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Tigreal was the rising star of the Moniyan Empire until a fateful battle at the border where a lethal mistake left his troops deep behind enemy lines. To cover up their mistake, the Knights of Light refused to acknowledge the troop's sacrifice, denying them the honor they deserved. Torn between his conscience and the pressure of his responsibilities, Tigreal to left Moniyan for Northern Vale to reflect. During his time with the Northern Vale tribes, Tigreal resolved his conscience with his determination to fight for honor and the truth, eventually returning to the Moniyan Empire and becoming the leader of the Light’s Order.  




I do not back out, I lead with honor, as I am the Vanguard of the Light's Order.

The House of Wertz boasts of its unbroken line of military nobility, harkening back as far as the founding of the Moniyan Empire itself. For generations, Wertz heirs watched over Moniyan's imperial power, and stood at the helm of the Imperial Guard.

Born into this venerable family, Tigreal would take up the mantle passed on by his forebears. His father Gareth served as the Empire's Minister of Defense, and the emperor's right hand. His uncle Eckert, meanwhile, headed the border outposts guarding the perilous frontier between the southern edge of the Empire and the Land of Despair itself. In due time, the young Tigreal himself would join them in fulfillment of his noble duty.

Thousands of years may have passed since monumental shifts in power split the Empire, yet the threat of the Abyss and its monstrous host has always loomed near. And so, since childhood, Tigreal went through rigorous military training in Lumina City, honing his skills in fighting, swordsmanship and riding. To this end, the Wertz's held high hopes for the young boy, readying him to one day succeed his father, and bear the family crest in loyal service to the Empire.

By the age of sixteen, Tigreal took his place in the Imperial Army. He devoted himself to serving in the Garrison Army ranks, which he bravely led to all but the farthest corners of the Moniyan Empire. In his four years of service, Tigreal developed outstanding military talent and leadership abilities, earning him the favor of the Light's Order.

The Order is well-known for imposing its rigid standards in electing a Knight of Light. Only the bravest and most loyal warriors, sharpened by the finest combat training in the Empire, were deemed worthy of joining their ranks. In just a few years, Tigreal earned his place among the Knights of Light, becoming the Order's youngest member — a historical moment that brought great pride to both the Wertz's and the Moniyan people. Everyone believed that Tigreal would grace the Empire's history as one of its greatest champions, to be celebrated in the Promenade of Heroes just like the martyrs of generations past.

And yet, fortune had something else in mind for the young Knight. At the height of his military career, Tigreal would fall victim to the bitter hands of fate.

To completely drive the Abyssal Demons away, the Moniyan Empire launched a fierce crusade in the Barren Lands, with Tigreal at the helm of the Second Regiment. Deployed on the left flank of the battlefield, his band of Imperial Border Guards and the Light's Order bravely pushed the Demons back. But before he could take respite from the onslaught, Tigreal found himself and his men completely surrounded by the Demon army.

In a lethal error of judgment, the Imperial Command had sent the Second Regiment too deep behind enemy lines without reinforcement. Realizing this mistake, the Commander sent an urgent order for the Second Regiment to pull back, and leave some soldiers on the frontline to cover the retreat.

Seeing little hope in their current plight, Tigreal was determined to live or die with his troops. But Roland, his trusted and most experienced lieutenant, urged the young Knight to flee with the main troops, while he and a number of soldiers held up enemy lines. Tigreal abhorred the idea of leaving his company behind, but Roland insisted that it was the only way to save as many men as possible. His heart brimming with grief, Tigreal reluctantly led his troops to withdraw.

The battle saw the Demon army at the border wiped out, but the great cost of victory weighed heavily upon Tigreal's mind. His Second Regiment bore the brunt of the casualties, with Roland and his unit completely decimated. With his men's corpses piled all around him, Tigreal couldn't help but feel deep regret for the choices he made.

In the wake of the battle, the Imperial Command resolved to cover up their mistake. The high council of the Knights of Light refused to acknowledge the Second Regiment's sacrifice, denying them the honor they deserved. They painted the fallen soldiers as insubordinate, with their thirst for glory leading to needless casualties.

The Knights of Light then showered Tigreal with medals and promotions in an attempt to buy his silence. Torn between his conscience and the immense pressure put on him by both his family and the Knights, he left Moniyan and retreated to the wintry reaches of the Northern Vale. There in the frosty highlands of the north, Tigreal built deep friendships with Vale's rugged tribes. He dined, slept, and fought side by side with their finest warriors, who showed him the value of brotherhood in battle.

Tigreal pondered upon the oath he swore as a Knight: "to protect everyone around him". He came to realize that the life of a comrade weighed heavier than the outcome of the battle itself. After all, if one fights only to lay his life down, then victory loses its meaning.

With a renewed understanding of his duty, Tigreal decided to return to Moniyan and retake his place as a Knight of Light. Over the years, he eventually rose to lead the Light's Order, serving as the shield that protects the whole of the Moniyan Empire. The people of Moniyan rest knowing that as long as the fearless Warrior of Dawn endures, his radiant light shall always drive the darkness away.

Mastery Code/Chronicle Page

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Full Name
Tigreal Wertz
Also Known as
Warrior of Dawn
Leader of the Light's Order
Guardian of the Moniyan Empire
Human, Moniyan
Gender & Sexuality
Lumina City, Moniyan Empire
Favorite Food
Disliked Food
Power Abilities
Sacred Hammer



Light Blue
Dark Brown
Skin Tone
Distinct Features



Knights of Light
Light's Order
Moniyan Empire
Imperial Army
Current Location


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