World Ember 2023

World Ember Homework

Week One


Armaitia is a titan, born to a deity long since forgotten, even to history. She doesn't have a place to call home, as no god would embrace the offspring of a deceased deity. As a result, Armaitia roams the world, unable to reside among the gods yet unable to elude their intrigues. Her celestial lineage serves as a distinctive feature that catches the attention of all who encounter her, acting as a signal to the gods and their followers. She yearns for a sense of belonging, an identity she can personally choose, and perhaps one day to restore the prominence of the god who brought her into existence.


Week Two

Part One: Mini-Meta

The purpose of worldbuilding for this event is to explore the interactions between Armaitia and the god of death. This may involve aspects such as the underworld, the concept of death in the setting, the soul, and their interactions with the gods. In addition to these key elements, it is important to delve deeper into the mythology surrounding Armaitia. This includes understanding her origins, the myths and legends associated with her, and the significance of her presence in the world. While the complete story of Armaitia is not the main focus of this project, it is still relevant to consider her progenitor god, the location of the corpse, and the implications of a god's death in the setting. Exploring these aspects will provide a richer understanding of the world in which Armaitia exists and the impact she has on the narrative.

Furthermore, the purpose of Armaitia is not solely to explore the concept of death, but also to delve into the experience of death itself. This includes examining the emotions and thoughts that surround death, as well as the various beliefs and rituals associated with it. By delving into these aspects, the audience will have a more immersive experience and a deeper connection to the themes being explored. Another important aspect to consider is the notion of what occurs after death. This can include exploring different afterlife realms, the journey of the soul after death, and the potential consequences of one's actions in the mortal realm. By expanding on these ideas, the world Armaitia explores will become more intricate and thought-provoking. Lastly, the allure in transience should be emphasized throughout the worldbuilding process. This concept represents the beauty and fragility of life, and how it contrasts with the eternal nature of the gods. By exploring the transient nature of existence, the audience will gain a greater appreciation for the themes of mortality and the passage of time.

Part Two: Categories & Sources for Inspiration

A lot of the inspiration for this approach to death is my exploration into the Japanese ideas of mono no aware and wabi-sabi. In addition, my journey in exploring the three marks of existence in Buddhism heavily inspired the initial intent behind how I wanted to approach death and its personification.

Week Three

I added a short elevator pitch to the world of Primal, as well as a short quote from Tehanosha, the Shepherd of Souls to the front page of Primal. What I would like to do for this world and my others is a reference page or start here page at some point.

Week Four

To finish out prep, I bought a new tea kettle on my visit to New Mexico for all my favorite teas. I've also gotten my friends and partners involved in cheering me on and whose critiques and opinions I value highly.


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Nov 19, 2023 21:44 by Elspeth

It sounds as though you have several rich sources of inspiration there! I hope you have a lot of fun building out Armaitia (great name) and an excellent WorldEmber! :)

So many worlds to choose from...
Nov 27, 2023 02:45 by Nathaniel Guenther

Thank you! I noticed your comment just now as I am preparing to catch up on prep after my holiday trip.