Dress of Woven Blood

It might drain me, but never before have I worn something this comfortable.
— Queen Merrio of Druo

When the dress is not worn it looks like a simple long tunic made with perfectly smooth, glistening crimson threading, but when worn there are few clothing items that are as striking to look at as the Dress of Woven Blood.

The general shape stays mostly the same, but it gains volume and intricate detail in accordance to what the wearer wants. At the same time the colour changes to include many shades of crimson, causing the dress to appear even more detailed, particularly since it can now also appear to not be as glistening.

Not only is the dress a thing of beauty to behold, it is also surprisingly practical, with multiple pockets and an ability to keep the wearer warm in winter and cold in summer. It's ability to protect the wearer from attack is modest at best since it cuts easily, although if it is damaged it reparis itself as long as it is worn.

This beauty and practicality comes at a price, which is that it is draining the wearer of energy or blood, depending who you ask, which causes the wearer to eat significantly more.


The dress has been passed down in the royal family of Druo for many generations and its early history is mostly shrouded in mystery and myth.

Creation myth

The story goes that a long time ago a seamstress' daughter wanted nothing more than to take part in the summer solstice party with the royal family. She did not have a dress striking enough and so she went into the forest to sit down and cry.

After a while she heard a voice asking why she was crying. Looking up she saw a tiefling, with horns and red skin, carrying a backpack. After explaining the situation the tiefling they made an offer. The tiefling would help aquire the materials and in making the dress, and in return the daughter would make the tiefling a cloak.

The daughter agreed and so they went on a jurney over hills and mountains, to the furthest reaches of the land, and, depending who you ask, the depths of hell or the wild lands of the fey to find the best materials.

When they returned they went to work, weaving the dress on a magical loom. Soon the dress was ready and with the remaining materials the daughter went to work to create the cloak she promised.

Once it was done they went their seperate ways, the tiefling into the world and the daughter to the royal party.

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing process is unknown, but it is assumed that strong magic is involved.

Item type
Clothing / Accessory
3 kg
Raw materials & Components

It is not known what material the dress is made out, but the current leading rumor is that it is made out of human veins that have been drenched in the river styx.


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