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Bexley Township

1. A Small township where all manner of marginalized creatures gather to live in peace and harmony 2. “All creatures welcome!” chiseled in broken common on a large sign above the front gates 3. Of course there are those in nearby areas that think the township is an abomination and should be destroyed immediately a. They don’t trust it. They’re afraid of it. 4. Creatures that are normally considered bad guys or “Others” of all sorts a. Gnolls, goblins, kobolds, orcs, ogres, tieflings, bugbears, drow, dragonborns, goliaths, etc. 5. It’s a circular township, surrounded by a tall wall made of tree trunks sharpened at the top. 6. Protected by two Orc guards (Stab and Ung) a. They happen to know Belola’s father, K’yren. 7. In the Happy Face Market, there are a ton of small shops and carts selling all manner of trinkets, weapons, armor, clothing, supplies, food, ale, etc. 8. No Mobs Tavern a. Run by Eloise Bauche – Drow that knows about the Nightmare Market i. She speaks only broken common ii. Is Very interested in Z’resrina… 9. There are RULES of Bexley: a. Eye for an eye b. Do not steal c. No fighting outside of the Kobold Coliseum d. Terakind Vanguard not welcome e. No magic f. Disputes settled by Evocateurs or in the Kobold Coliseum 10. In the middle of town are two sets of gallows and two stocks 11. There are actually guards on platforms toward the top of the wooden walls surrounding the township a. These guards are a mixture of humanoid creatures and Evocateurs donning the blue and yellow colors of the Magocracy/Augury Conclave b. They try to keep a low profile 12. The mayor of Bexley is a stern Centaur named Kholig Brushborne a. He was left behind by his tribe long ago due to his passion for unionizing in plain sight. b. He wants to keep Bexley alive. He believes in this township! c. He’s willing to do what needs to be done to assure its survival! d. He has to answer to a Dragonborn Evocateur Lieutenant named Ephess Eomar. She is there to ensure that this little experiment continues until it is no longer needed. i. Can these beasts actually act civilized? Does the panopticon actually work? ii. Is the fear of gallows and stocks enough to tame even the most savage beasts? iii. She was the grand champion of the Kobold Coliseum years back. She earned her place within the Evocateurs and has no intention of ever going back to that old life! 13. Nightmare Market a. Market run by the dead! b. Necromantic magic allows the dead to subdue their hunger for flesh c. The dead buy bottled up emotions, feelings, memories, etc. d. They also buy dead bodies to feast on or possess e. Live patrons may “sell” some of their life essence (hit points) to buy certain items. Life Essence is a hot commodity down there!! f. Four Rules: i. Unlife, like life, is sacrosanct ii. Do not steal iii. The living cannot be touched iv. No silver g. Located beneath the city through secret passages within the Happy Face Market h. PCs must find out the secret phrase that allows them entrance into the market at midnight i. The secret phrase is “Nightshade’s promise. Spirits strive. To the living, let now the dead come alive” i. A wight vendor named Zhura sells the “Bottled Blade” as well as the necromantic relic “Eyes of the Wraith” that resemble two Venus fly traps i. Conjures a wraith for 1 minute. You may control it and see through its eyes. It acts like a familiar mixed with a controlled creature 14. Kobold Coliseum a. Klaus Delarosa: Master of Ceremonies/Pit Master i. Tiny Kobold with an enormous Joe Pesci accent, attitude and personality ii. Takes his job very seriously iii. Loves working the crowd! iv. Is easily persuaded to make large bets despite him not having much in the way of coin b. Three tiers: Light Weights, Middle Weights, and Heavy Weights

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