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1. It’s a commerce city! It’s reputable! Everyone comes here to find all manner of items and equipment! If you’re a reputable trader and/or a reputable consumer looking to buy and/or trade, you’ve come to the right place! 2. It’s a FUN city! There’s all manner of entertainment here! Everyone is here to either buy things, trade things, or have a good time! a. Entertainments of all sorts! b. Family-friendly AND adult oriented (at night) 3. Started out as a small trading post, but because of its perfect location, it grew and grew and grew! 4. It’s run by a group of Vistani! Vistani are very rare in Quin’Vastria, but this is one of the few permanent settlements run by them. a. Alexi Mironovich and his two daughters Danya and Elisabeta b. Gypsy people from Curse of Strahd… c. They originally set up shop here and it became so popular, they couldn’t manage to leave. The money was too good! 5. Most, if not all, of the buildings here are made from wood due to Nevergreen Forest just to the north. There’s a lot of emphasis on wood working and wood craft here! 6. Woodcraft Guild – where woodworkers come to train in the fine arts of wood craft a. The focus is on both the fine artistry and delicacy of wood carving as well as the more laborious mastery of carpentry and construction. b. It’s run by Orc Gorek Harkus. For being a large, strong Orc, he has Bob Ross vibes… c. Rameve Lodge – School for woodcraft! 7. Companions Guild – where the companions are trained and where they can find sanctuary, peace, supplies, support, etc. a. One can find “Companionship” if one wishes it, but these escorts are not looked down upon. Companionship is a reputable service here in Brambleton and anyone that treats the companions as anything less is met with judgment and immediate anger! b. It’s run by Water Genasi Madam Katerina Janek. She’s extremely charismatic, but also very stern and business-oriented when she needs to be. c. Their main establishment is known as Oren’s Palace. It’s lavish and ornate. It definitely stands out among the more modest buildings elsewhere in town. 8. It’s a main stop before anyone ventures anywhere beyond. It’s the last glimpse of civilization before venturing out into Nevergreen Forest, the Cloudless Plains, Esterwood Marsh, etc. 9. There’s a large community of Bards that have residence here! a. Some folks are “self-taught” and some are attending or have attended the Bards College b. There’s definitely some tension between the self-taught bards and the classically trained bards… 10. Libretto Bards College - small but well known! Exclusive! Juilliard style… a. It also stands out among the more modest buildings in town. It’s very ornate and detailed wood working in its structure. b. Run by Halfling Robin Codafoot. He’s a high-strung theater director type! Very charming, but always seems to be under so much pressure. Everything must be taken care of and done perfectly yesterday! c. Bards perform on the stage venues throughout the town, in local establishments, in the street, etc. d. Students of Libretto perform for credits toward their certification e. It can get pretty competitive… 11. Lots of small stage venues throughout the town a. Some of these venues hold “battle of the bands” style competitions… 12. Strong presence from the Evocateurs. They keep the peace. There’s usually no problems here, though, so everyone is much more laid back than maybe some folks are used to! a. The Evocateurs that are there don’t want to leave that post. Everyone is so kind and welcoming. They don’t want to go back to the strict rules they have to follow everywhere else… 13. There is lodging, but most people don’t LIVE here. They’re usually just passing through. a. There are a number of inns throughout the town. b. Libretto has large dormitories and housing options for those staying with the college

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