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Eternal Athenaeum (Uh-Thin-EE-Um)

  • Biggest public library and archive in all of Quin'Vastria.
  • The library deals with the history of the realm, the arcane, and all manners of obscurities.  They have scrolls that date back centuries. 
  • The EA also contains things like lost recipes, old songs, collections of folklore, and journals written by folks whose time has long since passed.
  • There are partial spells that were never finished, myths and legends, etc.
  • There are branches all around the continent.
  • The branches themselves often contain secrets beyond measure. Some have secret rooms and passages, some have sages and monks that are in hiding, some house refugees, some are built upon places of intense magic, etc.
  • Restricted section with dark magic, incredibly powerful magic, dark past of the Augury Conclave, details of The Riving, etc.
  • The libraries are run by members of the Noblesse Oblige, but not in its incarnation after The Rise of Aegis. They're made up of most of monks, sages, priests, and other learned folks. However, they have their hands in all manner of dealings. They employ all manner of creatures of various classes. They want information and they'll do almost anything to get it...
  • There's a constant push and pull between the Noblesse Oblige and the Augury Conclave.  The NO is an independent organization with no ties to the AC.  However, it's no secret the the AC wants to take it over.  They have important information about them that could potentially ruin them forever.
  • Each branch is called something different, but they're all under the umbrella of the Eternal Athenaeum.
  • Dexilan's branch is called Athenaeum Reconditus.
  • The required entrance fee for admission is a work of writing not already collected therein. Those who show up at the gates without such a gift are kindly but firmly turned away.
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