Lore: The Angels of Elder Toad Prose in Landia | World Anvil
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Lore: The Angels of Elder Toad

This religious organization was started in Y1000 and is still active today. They operate In the Frontier, where few people go. Now their leader, Relm Valentine wants control over the entire region of Appalachia and Mikado. However, their true intentions are masked by teaching people about their belief. Some people have suspicious ideas of what Relm Valentine is really up to behind that smiling idol mask. Some think she is autistic or something. Relm is 20 currently. Relm is the strongest human in the world, capable of splitting countries apart and resisting any disease. She can be stopped but how? Their headquarters are in East NYC, or Toad City. The people visiting obey the Priest, who obeys the Overseer, who obeys the Light Masters, who obey only the Cardinals, who only obey Relm herself. Few people know of her bad intentions. Abagail and her friends must investigate it. They seem normal, but who knows? Maybe they have an evil person commanding them. Skye joined them to investigate the case as well, since they will not let go. The admins of the church have this magic that is incredibly dangerous called Light Dragon Slayer Magic. It is a high-level magic that takes MASSIVE tolls on the magical power on someone. Only people who know how to control it will fully use its power. The church is after the SAKURA organization for stealing documents.


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