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18th Century Shiqar Wars


Written by Fulma02


The 18th Century Shiqar Wars also referred to as the Norlandic colonization of the Shiqari territories, began in the early 18th century ADE (1706 ADE - 1713 ADE), when demands issued by the Norlandic government to the states in the Shiqar region were repudiated. The Mehr was also motivated by a desire to accumulate more land with the introduction of Norland's expansionist and imperial concepts. They also sought to establish a foothold in the Shiqar region as a path to expanding their influence and power in Norland.  



The reason behind the campaign was the pursuit of the Norlandic Imperial family to spread its power and influence into the defiant nations around the Northern Shiqar area. The family at that time was said by historians to be very insatiable and heavily influenced by their wealth and power. They ordered the abolishment of the lands that were still in major parts under the thought that the Imperial family and its allies were not to "make friends with".   Besides the Imperial family, the campaign was supported by a young STS who granted four years of compensation exemption to any Norlandic related to the Imperial family in the exchange for access to lands for trading operations. The STS would then settle in the areas of Mohsenāf, Qānūn Island, Talkhestān, Chagarde, and Khargald. The campaign was also affected by the favorable climate phase in Norland back then. The warm climate phase of the 18th century led to population growth, which led to the need for emigration. At the same time, the Norlandics also emigrated to northern Norland and southern Norland.  


Talkhestān Invasion

Norland's campaign over the Talkhestāni Kingdom lasted for a couple of years between two neighboring nations. Before the creation of the Imperial State of Norland, the two nations had long coexisted peacefully, but tensions began to rise as their respective economies grew and each began to view the other as a threat to their prosperity, coupled with the influential imperialist propaganda enacted into the citizens of Talkhestān. The conflict materialized when Norlandic forces launched a surprise attack on the border, hoping to quickly conquer the smaller and weaker nation, forcing the King to capitulate. Talkhestān was caught off guard, but the swift response from their military managed to set up a defensive front that slowed down the invading forces. The initial attack sparked a wave of panic across the Talkhestāni population, therefore plunging the country into a situation of chaos.   The divisions from the Imperial Norlandic Army staged multiple battles and confrontations against the Talkhestāni Army. Resistance against the invading Norlandics was minimal due to the poorly trained and equipped Talkhestāni defense forces. As a result, the Norlandic troops, after only 8 months of fighting, forced their way into the capital of the kingdom, laying a week-long siege on the king's palace to force the king to sign the capitulation and annexation of his kingdom into the Imperial State of Norland. Left with no choice, the King of Talkhestān officially ratified the annexation of his country in the ruins of the palace's front gates. The ratification was depicted in an infamous artwork that would be nicknamed the "Gates of Imperialism".  

Invasion of Mohsenaf & Chagarde

Although Mohsenaf and Chagarde had historically been rivals when considering their long history. However, in the face of the greater Norlandic threat, they were able to put aside their differences and come together to form a united front. It was a fact that they knew that alone, they were no match for the Norlandic Imperial Army, but together, they could stand a chance. The leaders of the two countries met to discuss their strategy. They agreed to pool their resources and manpower to create a joint military force that would be capable of challenging the Norlandic Army. The combined force was equipped with the latest weapons and technology, and their soldiers were given extensive training from experienced and veteran soldiers.   During the closing stages of the war in Talkhestān, the combined Chagarde-Mohsenafi army launched a surprise attack on the border, imitating the methods of the Norlandic Army during their invasion of Talkhestān. This caught the Norlandics off guard and therefore the Chagarde-Mohsenafi army was able to seize multiple bordering towns and cities. The joint military force quickly gained the upper hand, and the remaining Norlandic forces who were stationed to guard the border with Mohsenaf were forced to retreat. This early success gave the alliance a much-needed morale boost, and they pressed on, determined to achieve their goal to push the Norlandic Army out of Shiqar. The Norlandics, however, were nowhere near a force to be easily defeated. After multiple regroupings, they launched a counter-attack against the Chagarde-Mohsenafi army. The combined armed forces fought side by side for a period of 6 years against the Norlandic Army, their soldiers inspired by the courage of their allies. Despite suffering heavy losses, the Chagarde-Mohsenafi Army held its ground, infuriating the Norlandic Royal Family for the slow progress of their army.   The war was long and arduous, but eventually, the Chagarde-Mohsenafi Army, losing too many men and valuable resources to continue the war, capitulated. The alliance was forced to surrender, and the Norlandic Army could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The aftermath of the war was just as challenging as the conflict itself. The two countries had to capitulate and be forced to let their lands be annexed by the Norlandics. In addition to that, after spending nearly all their national wealth into funding the war and the military, their economies were in an irreparable state. The remainders of the government also had to address the grievances of their people and address the root causes of the conflict.  


The first and most visible aftermath of the war is the physical damage. Cities, towns, and villages lie in ruins, and the infrastructure was destroyed. Homes, schools, and hospitals were reduced to rubble, leaving people homeless and without access to basic necessities. The war also saw the loss of many human lives. The bereaved are left to grieve, and many suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychological conditions. This loss of life and the emotional toll it takes on society lasted for generations.

Map of Shiqar as of 1700 ADE

Ruins of the Talkhestāni royal palace

A painting depicting a battle between Chagarde-Mohsenafi forces and Imperial Norlandic forces

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