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Aswārān Royal Guard

Written by Fulma02


The Aswārān Royal Guard were the personal bodyguards to the Aswārān royal family in which they serve different important figures of the royal family such as the king, queen, prince or princess. In addition to strict requirements of size, strength, intelligence, and loyalty, only the most skilled soldiers in the Aswārān Military qualified for duty in the Royal Guard. The Aswārān Royal Guard were also occasionally assigned to provide protection to members of the Aswārān government.  



The Aswārān Royal Guard consists of four ranks: Guards, Commanders, Generals, and Head General. When a recruit graduates, he is now considered to be a Royal Guard. They would be assigned to areas for patrol and serve and protect. After 2 years time, the guards would be serving another 6 months on learning how to survive in extreme conditions such as living in the mountains or in the forest. After these trials and another year have passed, the guards are considered to be experienced and are now an elite royal guard.   After 8 years of serving as an elite royal guard, the higher ups of the Royal Guard will begin promotion of the Royal Guard. The commanders are responsible of rallying the new recruits and elite guards as well as assigning them on different areas. Commanders are also responsible for the disciplining of guards and the teaching of the basics of welding a shamshir blade and the Shir-Ledfield musket. These commanders are however still assigned to patrol areas they are assigned to, just with less assigned time.   After serving for 4 years as a commander, the commanders can start to be promoted to become the lower ranking generals. The role of these generals is to assign and control a larger battalion of royal guards. The generals' responsibility is to maintain peace among royal guards and teach royal commanders the techniques of the Shamshir and the Shir-Ledfield.  


The Aswārā Royal Guards were reputedly the most skilled warriors in the forces of the Aswārān Kingdom; out of all the units in the Aswārān military, the Royal Guards were unsurpassed in skill and status. The Royal Guard consisted of selected soldiers from the Aswārān army who were able to pass training with a particular score which surpassed other recruits. The qualifications for joining the Guard's ranks included strength, intelligence, and loyalty. Candidates for the Guard had to meet the basic height requirement of 1.83 meters.  


In addition to receiving advanced training in many forms of combat, Royal Guards were trained to be unquestionably loyal to the Aswārān royal family. The King's word was considered law and his guards would obey his orders without question or hesitation, even if it meant killing one of their own. The training process of the Royal Guards is rigorous and demanding, designed to prepare elite soldiers to protect the monarch and the royal family at all costs. These guards are responsible for the safety and security of the kingdom and must be trained to handle any situation with precision, skill, and discipline.   Throughout the training process, recruits are subjected to rigorous testing and evaluation to ensure that they meet the high standards required of a royal guard. Those who do not meet these standards are dismissed from the program. Once the training is complete, successful recruits are sworn in as royal guards and begin their duties. They are expected to uphold the highest standards of discipline, loyalty, and courage at all times, and to protect the monarch and the royal family at all costs.  


The tasks of the Aswārish Royal Guard is a crucial one, as they are responsible for protecting the safety and security of the monarch and the royal family. They are highly trained individuals who must be skilled in combat, diplomatic protocol, and situational awareness. So naturally, the main task of a royal guard is to maintain the security of the monarch's residence and other royal properties. This includes monitoring access points, screening visitors, and patrolling the grounds. They must be vigilant at all times, prepared to respond to any potential threats or breaches of security.  



The Aswārān royal guard was first established in the early years of the 14h century ADE, when the monarchs of Aswārā realized that a professional force was needed to maintain order and protect the kingdom's officials. The first members of the guard were recruited from the best warriors and soldiers in the Aswārān miltiary, and were trained in the art of combat and strategy. Over time, the guard grew in size and became a formidable force, feared by the kingdom's enemies and respected by its citizens. Over the years, the Royal Guard became known throughout the kingdom for their bravery and dedication to the King. They were not directly involved in numerous battles and conflicts, however they did served as volunteers for different neighboring countries.  

Temporary disbandment

Despite their many successes, the Royal Guard was not without its controversies. In the year 1423, a group of guardsmen were accused of conspiring against the King and attempting to overthrow him. The plot was foiled, and the guardsmen were executed, but the incident left a stain on the reputation of the Royal Guard that would linger for years. Despite this setback, the Royal Guard continued to serve the King faithfully for many years, until the year 1567. In that year, the King of Aswārā at the time died without leaving a clear heir to the throne. This led to a period of political instability and unrest, as various factions vied for power and control.   During this time, the Royal Guard found itself caught up in the political turmoil. Some guardsmen remained loyal to the Crown, while others sided with various factions in the hopes of gaining power and influence. In the end, the political crisis proved too much for the Royal Guard to bear. In the year 1575, the Guard was officially disbanded by the newly-crowned king. Many of the former guardsmen went on to serve in other capacities in the royal court or in the military, but the Royal Guard itself was no more.  


After centuries of non-existance, the 1889 constitution signed by the newly appointed king of Aswārā have decided to re-establish the Royal Guards after centuries of hiatus. The newly established Royal Guard would take nearly every aspect that made the Royal Guards what it was. There was only one exception though. A point in the constitution states that the royal guard, from this point in time (1889 onwards) will only serve the nation and royalties of Aswārā and will no longer serve any other foreign nation. The constitution also states that the loyalty training of the Royal Guards will be enhanced further, which was implemented to prevent any acts of betrayals from happening ever again.

Illustration of the Royal Guard in modern day 

Illustration of the Royal Guard in the 12th century

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