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Demographics of Lakharat in the 6th century BDE

Written by Italian P&C


Lakharat is a region with an extremely large population that around 500 BCE was already 78 Millions of people. It's climate, especially during this age, was very unstable, since in summer it could reach over 38°C while in winter it could even fall to -8°C. In 500 BCE it was inhabited by a lot of small nations, the most powerful being: Makher Empire, Senrajuttar (a military horde) and Raviahrati Kingdom.

Notable Nations

Raviahrat Kingdom

in the northern coasts, where the sun does not shine, lies the Raviahrat Kingdom, one of the nations with the most meteorological problems, such as rain, cloudy weather and strong winds. People have adapted to these conditions by building resilient buildings to face this type of climate, fortunately not every day is like this but at least 220 days out of 365 are filled meteorological phenomena (no tornadoes or hurricanes) and also every day there is 80% probability based on speculation that the sky is completely cloudy even though it only rains 80 days a year. According to sages, they believe that it is because of the anger of evil gods for having lost a war between deities.


The territories inhabited by the Lakharatis really, really hate the Norstanis, since in the years between 650 BCE and 500 BCE there was massive Norstani population growth in the north of Lakharat. The Norstani people decided to invade the northern settlements, tribes, hordes or early kingdoms, the result of these invasions was the formation of Senrajuttar, a military anarchy state, where the most powerful Norstanis rule, creating cities and enslaving southern Lakharatis.


Legado is a nation, ubicated in the west of the region, it's one of the major sellers of elephants captured during expeditions. It's army is estimated to number 5,600 soldiers, 1,200 elephant cavalry and 3,000 archers. The population of Legado around 500 BCE is around 5.000.000, being the third most populated nation in the region. It's government is an elective monarchy, the elections are made by those who participate in the army and there are elections every time the king dies.


Arselia is a nation located in the center of Lakharata, it is notable for owning the Lakharat Strait, controlling all the ships and being the center of trade for the entire region, in addition to having a great naval superiority, Arselia has total control of the two bays, Amahuí (east) and Mayha (west). It has an army with 1200 warriors, 500 archers, his naval power is 120 galleys and 10 great biremes. The government is based on a Absolutist Monarchy.

Map of Lakharat during the 5th century BDE

Flag of Legado

Flag of Arselia

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