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Homishio's first 2 governments -1st Century BCE-

The eras that made up Homishio, the ancient state in Western Ues, were divided based on the government that governed it's land. Despite rising way later than it's Eastern and Western neighbours, Homishio became an organized society already in the BCE.

1st Government:

By 97 BCE the Mishios decided to unite under a single leader in order to dominate the territory near them, wanting more control over the other peoples living in the Western Ues region. The elected chief was "Ukibor Tay" (131 BCE-92 BCE), a man who had already led several small groups and therefore already had the experience of leading several people. He expanded the territory of the Mishio tribe, little by little. At the beginning, the tribe was small, with about a couple hundred people. But he rallied the other Mishio, making the tribe become bigger and bigger. That same year the first mines opened and the first pieces of stone from the tribe were extracted. At that time, stone was only used to make weapons.  
It was in 96 BCE that the chief decided to unite all of them under a common area, which he would call "Kyot", or a city, for which he was directly responsible. To be able to unite the tribe even more, he decided that all the territory that belonged to the tribe was part of the same Kyot . The Mishios expanded their territory into peoples, like the Yotaik people. They already had problems with the Yotaik, but now that they were united as one tribe, they were powerful enough to fight them. Overpowered by the Mishio, the Yotaik surrendered and were incorporated by force into their tribe, most of them becoming slaves and the others being social rejects of the tribe, mistreated and beaten daily by the Mishio, although with time this attitude gradually disappeared.   As the Kyot expanded and the population grew, jobs such as farmers, builders and craftsmen increased in quantity, making work fundamental to the chiefdom. Due to more people concentrating in the Kyot, more houses were built, mainly made of wood.   In 92 BCE, a great fire struck the Mishio, destroying much of the city, built by wood. This event was remembered as the "Terror of the Flames" and it caused the end of the 1st government, as "Fugol Kaami" (125 BCE- 70 BCE), blaming the old chief for his inability to prevent the fire, killed him and took his place.    

2nd Government:

Fugol Kaami set up a group of people who were in charge of managing several important things such as food, organization of resources and the defense of the tribe. This group was called "The Three Baoxhis", and each Baoxhis is in charge of one of the three categories . "They are under the direct orders of the Supreme Chief, that rules the territory". Following the creation of this government, the tribe became a state named "Mishio State", the same name as the dominant people who inhabit it, reinforcing the authority of the supreme chief.
  In 87 BCE Fuugol Kaami decided to separate the Kyot into three parts which he named "Ban Op", in the west, "Khae Don", in the center and "Naung Proe", in the east. Each of the three Kyot had a main district and a territory in which the rules of the Kyot applied. The rules between Kyot could be different, because the chief set them up and therefore could create different rules between each Kyot. The Khae Don Kyot rose in popularity, and by the end of the decade became the capital of the Mishio State.   The chief also wanted to develop the villages and especially develop the economy through the creation of "Tokh" in 86 BCE, which were places where people could sell things without paying taxes. There were different types of Tokh : the Tokh of food, the Tokh of tools and the Tokh of minerals. This quickly developed the economy of the state. The chief also made sure to build new and bigger houses made of stone. In this era the people living in the small villages began to move to the larger villages, and the larger villages quickly became cities.
The Mishio state was by 85 BCE the most powerful in the region of South-Western Ues, to the point that the other tribes and peoples did not dare approach them. But as time passed, these tribes and peoples became inspired by the Mishios and started to form states. The Supreme Chief, after learning this, decided to launch a huge exploration to discover the rest of the region and meet with the diplomats of these new states. They explored most of the region, and discovered 4 states: "Bayok" an authoritarian republic, "Suoi Tong" a more restricted kingdom (similair to modern day constitutional monarchies), "Kohnieh" a xenophobic autocracy, and "Olghar" a peasant-led monarchy. Only one of these four countries acted friendly towards Mishio, Suoi Tong. The other nations were hostile and distant. This promptly started an alliance between the two realms. In the same year, the relations between Mishio and Kohnieh deteriorated, creating tension between the two nations. Mishio statesmen were not sure whether in event of war they would be able to come out victorious.  
The tensions broke out between the two nations when the Mishio State-led expedition in the north was ambushed and killed off by Kohnieh soldiers. This caused the Mishio State to declare war against the enemy autocracy. Mishio gathered it's 26,900 troops and advanced into the plains and forests between Kohnieh and Mishio. An informant announced, after the departure of the troops, that Kohnieh would have 38,000 troops in total, thought to be exagerated by the supreme Chief. The war was a complete disaster for the Mishio State, as Kohnieh easily gained the upper hand through it's superior numbers and pushed Mishio troops out of their land, even invading Mishio proper and arriving at the outskirts of their capital, Khae Don, forcing them into a hard peace treaty.   Kohnieh had proven that Mishio could be defeated. Due to the debt and loss of resources, Mishio went through an economic crisis. The prices of Tokhs were increasing and the people were falling into poverty. The people had to work much harder than usual. Even worse, during this time of crisis, Mishio went through periods of heavy weather, partially destroying the crops. In the same year, while the country was going through an economic crisis, famine set in throughout the nation. Those who lived in Khae Don were better off, while people starved in Ban Op and Naung Proe. The Baoxhis of Food tried to find a solution to the growing famine, but the harvests were falling month by month. The crisis quickly became unmanageable for the government, which was desperately trying to resolve the situation. This would start a revolution that would end the 2nd Government.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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