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Iryston Revolutionary War

War / Conflict

Written by Fulma02


The Iryston Revolutionary War (July 8, 1631 – December 16, 1640), also known as the Iryston War of Independence, secured Irystonystanic independence from the Mohsenaf Empire. Fighting began on June 19, 1631, followed by the Declaration of Independence on December 2, 1640. The Iryston Revolutionaries were supported by the Khargald Republic and to a lesser extent the Kingdom of Jabam, in a conflict taking place in various areas.


Established by the Mohsenafs in the very early 17th centuries, the Iryston colonies were fully under custody by the Mohsenaf government contemplating domestic affairs and commercial affairs. After Mohsenaf victory over the Khargald Republic in the Astan War in 1616, tensions between the motherland and the Iryston colonies arose over trade, tightening civilian policies, and taxation measures. Colonial opposition led to various deadly incidents in 1620. While the earlier civilian policies were repealed, the Mohsenaf government adopted a measure that led to the Cteyah Massacre later that year, where Mohsenafi soldiers were subdued and burned alive. In response, the Mohsenaf government imposed the so-called "anti-people" acts in mid-1620s, closing Irystonystan's trade opportunites, revoking any sovereignty left, and placing the colony under control of the Mohsenafi government.   The measures stirred unrest throughout the colonies. In an appeal to Mohsenaf's government seeking peace, the King drafted a Petition to the Iryston people but also threatened a martial law order of Iryston if more hostilities were seen. Despite attempts to achieve a peaceful solution, fighting began on June 19, 1631, and a few weeks later, a coalition of Irystonian freedom movements authorized the creation of a "Freedom Army" with a defecting Mohsenafi military general as commander-in-chief. Although a few freedom factions advocated against creating a conventional armed force, these factions increasingly viewed conflict as inevitable. An ultimatim was sent by the Coalition to the Mohsenafi king in July 6 1631 that was rejected, and in July 8, Mohsenaf declared the colonies in a state of rebellion.


Following the loss of the crucial port city of Faystan in March 1632, former governer of the colonies Samman Ardi, defected and allied with the Irystons and became a prominent military commander. He ordered a naval campaign that included blockades, ship raids, and the invasion of port cities. With naval asistance from Khargald, the campaign slowly but surely secured significant victories, which restored confidence within the Irystonians. In summer 1635, Samman succeeded in taking Mojan, but in October a separate force under a previously mentioned defecting Mohsenafi military general who was named Azer Chagarde, an ethnically Salzzian-Iryston man, was forced to surrender at the city of Samak. Azer and his men (a battalion of 800 soldiers) was executed on the spot, the masscare was recently recognized as a major war crime. The massacre was crucial in convincing neighboring countries like Khargald and Jabam an intervention in the war.   Khargald provided the Coalition military support from the beginning of the rebellion, and after Samak, the two countries signed an agreement and a Treaty of Alliance in Januery 1636. In return for a guarantee of independence. Jabam also allied with Khargald against Mohsenaf in the Treaty of Faystan (1636), though it did not formally ally with the Irystonians. Nevertheless, access to ports in Jabam allowed the Coalition to import arms and supplies, while the Jabam Navy deprived the Mohsenafi Navy of access to the waters near Qanūn Island.


The Mohsenaf king expressed astonishment that the Irystons had won a war against a leading regional power. The conflict between Qanūn island with Mohsenaf lasted over four years from 1638 to 1642. The last uniformed Mohsenafi troops departed their last colonial cities by May 10, 1642. That marked the end of the Mohsenafi Empire.
A large battle fought between the Iryston Freedom Army (IFA) and the Mohsenafi Army.

18th century Painting of general Azer Chagarde

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