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Norlandic Colonization of G'chanka


Written by Fulma02


The Norlandic Colonization of G'chanka was a colonial event that formed the Norlandic State of G'chanka (Nardiks: Atalaat Serzmala Gucheankea). It was a Norlandic colony in Katkal, centered on the nation of G'chanka. Between 1708 and 1806, it was directly controlled by the imperial government of Norland, and between 1806 and 1848, a special autonomous region of Norland. The area came under Imperial Norlandian rule from 1708 to 1848. It was officially independent in 1852. Before the military rule was enacted, the land was largely owned by the STS in various trade deals and land acquisitions.


First Settlements

Traders of the Sherket Tyarit Serzmala (STS), under the command of Digda Deva Tamasi, were the first people to establish a Norlandian colony in the Katkalese region. The first settlements were built by them in the very late 17th century AD that first acted as a small coastal outpost and way-station for STS vessels on their way back and forth between Norland'a southern islands and trade routes leading to Mashriquia. Said outposts gradually became a settler community, with the Norlandic people being the ones who immigrated the most. Their reasons were mostly to find better opportunities for farming and agriculture.   During the time of the first Norlandic military settlements in G'chanka, the northwest of Katkal was inhabited by farmers and fishers, the latter having a relatively low percentage of the total population. With a population estimated between 500,000 and 600,000. The G'chankan people were disgruntled by the disruption of their fishing operations on the coasts for which purpose they moved to the western coasts only to find Norlandian settlers occupying the land, leading to the first Bay of Hastria War as part of a series of Norlandic colonial wars in Katkal. After the war, the natives ceded most of their coastal lands to the settlers in 1705. During a visit in 1706, the high-ranking Commissioner Riefik Ahtar made a formal purchase of the aforementioned coastal lands, although already ceded in the previous year, his reason was to "prevent future disputes".

Norlandic Military Rule

In 1708, Norland started their intentions to occupy the naval settlements previously owned by the STS. This prompted the G'chankan government, to try to occupy the land territory also previously owned by the STS that same year as a way to prevent a full occupation of G'chanka. However, this was precluded due to a threat given by the Norlandic government. During the early stages of the occupation, the Norlandian Navy sent a fleet of nine warships which anchored at the STS outposts. Following the defeat of the G'chankan Navy at the Bay of Hastria, the Norlandian navy took control of the Bay and soon after, the STS transferred its territories and claims to the Norlandic government.   In 1712, G'chanka, having half of its territory controlled by Norland, was invaded by the Norlandic military. The peace between Norland and the G'chankan government had broken after four years while G'chanka had been attempting to strengthen their influence on the Bay of Hastria. The Norlandics established their colony to further their control over trade routes going through the Bay of Hastria. Two years later, the G'chankan government, already overthrown by the Norlandic military, formally ceded sovereignty over their territory to the Norlandians, under the terms of the Halyan Agreement.

Life In The Colony

The ability of the Norlandic settlers to produce natural resources at a high rate initiated the decline of the nomadic lifestyle of the G'chankan natives and influenced countries near the Bay of Hastria. Thus by 1706, the permanent indigenous residents living at the bay had grown substantially. Halyan, the first modern city to be built in G'chanka by the settlers was initially for the sake of the slaves and workers to have a proper place to live in. However, after the Norlandian government took control of the colony, the native workers were cast out and forced to live near their farms and factories.   The Nardiks language was taught at schools as the main medium for basic communication purposes. Higher-level studies were given to privileged natives and were commonly used for commercial purposes. The result was the indigenous people found themselves speaking Nardiks more than their native languages. The principles of modern lifestyle were also introduced at schools resulting in the drastic decline of local traditions. Conflicts with the G'chankan nationalists and the effects of various diseases brought from Norland decimated their numbers until gradually the breakdown of their society led them to work for the colonists, mostly as shepherds.


During the later phases of the colonization, the crumbling power of the Imperial State of Norland had resulted in the formation of numerous G'chankan independence militias that favoured the idea of a free G'chanka. Many Norlandic settlers, who have been embedded with the natives for neatly 150 years, requested to discharged their Norlandian citizenship in order to become citizens of a future free G'chanka; as a result of the rising tensions, and the inability of the Norlandian military to defend its colonial possessions, the Norlandic governor for G'chanka set up an agreement that would create favorable conditions for the people of G'chanka and the Norlandic settlers. However, the agteement was never put ino motion as it did not actually meet the conditions that the people desired. Nevertheless, G'chanka would be given full independence after the fall of the Imperial government of Norland and under the Prevention of Foreign Colonization Act that was enacted by the new democratic government of Norland.
Painting illustrating STS owned G'chankan farmlands
Map of Katkal in 1714

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