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Salzzian Cultures in the 13th century ADE

As Salzzian unity wasn't a thing just yet, many cultures lived in Salzzian lands, separated from eachother. The main cultures of Salzzia were the Ikkoma, Tyjorean, Pre-Salzzian (Present in the Rep. of Pyetoux and Tere Abyssale) and the unnamed Northern cultures which all combined together.
  The Ikkoma culture is rather homogeneous in itself, but the populations of Ikkoma have been fighting eachother for years, resulting in their slow disappearance and conversion to pre-Salzzian culture. The religion they practice is Grachtou, a polytheistic religion consisting of 3 gods, Lybi god of the elements, Segdax god of wealth and knowledge, Fauj god of agriculture and war, who all are in an alliance and live together to protect the Ikkoma people, even if times if constant wars between Ikkoma populations. Their diets mainly consist of meat and soups, their main agricultural products are cereals expect for rice, they also grow corn. Their main meat source is beef, fish and lamb, while pork is less popular for its low shelf life. The Ikkoma culture also gave the pre-Salzzian and current Salzzian culture the love for tea.    
This is the symbol for Ikkoma's religion.
The top wave symbolises wind.
The central one fire.
The bottom one water.

  The Tyjorean culture is a mix of cultures of the Rrada region which united under one population and banner for a long time. The culture of Tyjorus nowadays is still present but only in very small minorities, they are part of one religion, the Turyotx religion. Its religion consists of 2 different groups, Ittox and Ossix. The Ittox generally follow the original scripts and ideas of Turyotx, meanwhile the Ossix follow new ideals and have more texts in their manuscript. The religion is a monotheistic one and they follow the god Ruijox, the god of the universe, time and space. Their main foods are vegetables, because of their low amount of pastures for animals. Most of their agriculture goes to carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, corn and more common veggies. While they don't eat that much meat, their main source of meat is poultry.    
Symbol for Tyjorean religion.
A white lily that represents all living beings, grace and power.

  A toirx star with a red half circle representing reality and then a blue one representing fantasy.

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