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Second Arshnelic Strait War


Written by Fulma02


The Second Arshnelic Strait war was a one year long conflict between Norland, Guerria and Westalpen. The war was instigated during the crisis in Urudiya that happened in August of 1510 ADE where fleets from the Norlandic Navy engaged in an intense standoff against the fleets from Westalpen and Guerria. A supposed misfire from one of the Norlandic ships caused a battle to ensue between both sides, leading to the start of the Second Arshnelic Strait war.  


In the year 1710 ADE, G'chanka had been colonized for two years, and the Imperial State of Norland was steadily growing as a dominant empire in the region. With a strong and organized military, they yearned to extend their colonial powers to the surrounding lands. This ambition fueled their desire for greater resources and control, becoming a defining aspect of their moral values. As Norland's reach and influence expanded, their thirst for further territorial expansion intensified. They set their sights on the neighboring lands of Guerria, a region that soon found itself directly facing Norland's imperial ambitions. The people of the country became increasingly concerned as they witnessed Norland's military might and increasing influence, realizing that their homeland might be the next target of the expanding empire.   The lush landscapes of Guerria offer rich biodiversity, making it a treasure trove of natural resources like timber, minerals, and fertile lands for agriculture. These valuable assets have piqued the interest of the Norlandics, who see an opportunity to exploit and dominate Guerria to satisfy their economic ambitions. Moreover, the Arshnelic Strait, with its intricate network of sea routes, holds the key to controlling vital commercial connections. If Norland were to establish dominance over this strait, they could gain unprecedented power over trade activities, influencing the flow of goods and services in the region. This potential control over the trade routes in the strait could give Norland a distinct advantage in their economic and political endeavors.  


Westalpen settlers

In the early 1500s ADE, a group of Westalpian peoples embarked on a migration journey that led them to the coastal territory of Urudiya. Upon their arrival, the Urudiyans, who were already settled in the region, welcomed the newcomers and provided them with guidance in establishing their own communities. Over the course of more than ten years, the Westalpen settlers worked diligently, cooperating with the Urudiyans to build their homes and shape their way of life in this new land.  

Arrival of the STS

As time went on, in January 1510, representatives from the STS corporation, a prominent Norlandic corporation seeking opportunities for expansion, initiated negotiations with the settlers. They were keen to secure a foothold in the region where the Westalpen communities had taken root. Through constructive discussions, a deal gradually emerged, which aimed to grant the STS corporation the permission to conduct operations within the settlers' lands.  

Norlandic invasion of Urudiya

Three months later, in April, the Imperial Norlandic Army initiated its first landings in Urudiyan land, without any formal declaration of war. The uninvited Norlandics were met with immediate resistance from the Urudiyan army, resulting in a tense confrontation. This heated exchange marked the beginning of the invasion of Urudiya. As the war unfolded, it caused significant consequences for the people living in the region. The Westalpen settlers, once leading peaceful lives, found themselves caught in the crossfire of the escalating hostilities. Tragically, they became victims of the conflict, facing hardships, and were forced into the control of the new Norlandic government. Within the Westalpen settler communities, distress prevailed. Many were subjected to forced labor, slavery, and other forms of exploitation. The war persisted until July of the same year when the Urudiyans finally surrendered, leading to the annexation of their territories by Norland.  

Urudiya crisis

In August, rebellions erupted among the Westalpian settlers in their communities. Many of the settlers joined forces and started attacking anything related to the Norlandics. Hearing about the escalating situation, the Westalpian government decided to help their fellow Westalpians in Urudiya. They quickly organized an expeditionary force to provide support. When the Westalpian ships reached the coasts of Urudiya, they were met with an unexpected challenge. Norlandic ships stationed nearby saw the approaching fleet as a threat and initiated an attack. The two fleets engaged in a small battle, but both sides soon realized the consequences of further escalation. Fearing another conflict, they halted the hostilities.   Despite the ever-watchful Norlandic eyes observing their every move, the expeditionary force persisted in carrying out covert rescue operations daily to aid Westalpian settlers attempting to escape the land. These efforts culminated in a triumphant success, managing to avoid setting off any alarms among the Norlandic forces. Nonetheless, the limitations of the fleet became apparent as they could not accommodate the entire settler population seeking refuge. Regrettably, many of the settlers had no choice but to remain in Urudiya.  

Guerrian involvement

Guerria, a neighboring country, became increasingly concerned about the expanding influence of Norlandic in the region. Feeling the need to respond, they decided to take action to curb Norland's growing power. To achieve this, Guerria reached out to the Westalpians and struck a deal. The agreement entailed sending naval reinforcements to the Westalpians, empowering them to counter the Norlandic fleets. This pivotal event came to be known as the Urudiyan Crisis, a period of intense tension that spanned an entire week.  

Second Arshnelic Strait war

The crisis escalated when a Norlandic ship accidentally fired one of its cannons, which led the Westalpian and Guerrian fleets to respond with aggression, resulting in a massive naval battle. Both sides suffered losses, with a couple of ships sinking during the intense clash. The Westalpain fleet, determined to protect the settlers they had rescued, managed to escape the chaos and safely landed in Mashriquia, seeking refuge. For another day, the fierce confrontation between the Norlandic and Guerrian Navy continued, with neither side willing to back down. The waters roared with the sounds of cannon fire and battle cries as the fleets clashed with all their might. However, the Guerrians eventually found themselves at a disadvantage, losing a couple more of their precious ships in the process.   During the subsequent battles that ensued, the Guerrian Navy faced further adversities, leaving them close to running aground on the Norlandic coasts. Their fortunes seemed to change when the winds shifted, saving them from imminent disaster. However, the Norlandics, determined to press their advantage, relentlessly pursued the retreating Guerrian ships. The chase was fraught with danger, and the Guerrian fleet suffered more casualties along the way, with up to 12 ships wrecked during their desperate escape. Despite the losses, a fortunate few managed to make it home, totaling eight ships that survived the harrowing journey. This fierce and protracted chase marked the largest engagement of the undeclared Norlandic-Guerrian War, a war also known as the Second Arshnelic Strait War.   In the following year, 1511 ADE, the Norlandic forces meticulously organized another ambitious large-scale campaign against Guerria. They sought to capitalize on their previous successes and assert their dominance over their adversaries. However, fate had a different plan in store. The campaign quickly turned into a series of unfortunate events, as the Guerrian Navy fiercely counter-attacked, refusing to yield an inch of their territory without a fight. The dangerous nature of the Arshnelic Strait added a formidable challenge to the campaign, with its notoriously unpredictable winds wreaking havoc on the ships attempting to travel its waters. The winds' abrupt changes dashed the hopes of the Norlandic fleet, as many of their vessels met a disastrous fate, wrecked on the coasts of Guerria.  

End of hostilities

Two days after the intense naval battle, the Mehr made a decision that would significantly impact the future course of events. Recognizing the costly and futile nature of their attempts to invade Guerria, the Mehr ordered the Navy to disband all operations aimed at further aggression. The news of this order spread rapidly through the ranks, leaving the sailors uncertain about their future and the outcome of their military endeavors. The realization that their ambitious plans had dissolved came five days later, as the Navy's leadership struggled to come to terms with the Mehr's decree. With a heavy heart, they were forced to abandon their well-crafted strategies and redirect their focus towards a new course of action.   The Mehr's orders, however, were not without consequences. In an unprecedented move, they commanded the discharge of a significant number of Navy personnel, sending many sailors back to their homes without pay. This punishment served as a stern reminder of the high cost of failure and further added to the frustration and disillusionment among the military ranks. As the short war neared its conclusion, the Mehr recognized the need to find a way out of the conflict that would not further damage their reputation or destabilize the region. After intense negotiations, a treaty was finally agreed upon, where the Mehr pledged to leave Guerria undisturbed, and in return, the Guerrians would commit to maintaining peaceful relations with their neighbor. The signing of the treaty marked the end of the hostilities.

Urudiyan villagers flee their homes as Imperial Norlandic troops set their village ablaze

The ships of the Westalpian expeditionary force sailing through the rough waters of the Kendsamud Sea

The round table conference between the Norlandics and the Guerrians

Map of the region at the date: August 24th 1511

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