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Serbazan Saah-Pwest

Military Unit

Written by Fulma02


The Serbazan Saah-Pwest, or the Saah-Pwest, was an all-around term for a military unit in the Imperial Norlandic Army which was comprised of former slaves recruited from the STS. Although the unit was comprised of a diverse mix of races, the unit was mostly known for the dark-skinned race originating from the Southeastern tip of Mashriquia, nearing the Jaim archipelago.  


Establishment of the unit

The first record of the establishment of the Saah-Pwest dated back from the first STS expeditions, to the establishment of the Norlandic State of Yen/Yanna. Created by the STS in the response to the need for increased manpower in the Jaim archipelago, it was highly successful in different purposes such as personal security, riot control, or even direct combat. The success of these types of "slave units" led to the invention of an all-black and all-slave unit for the Imperial Norlandic Army. This new unit in the Norlandic Army was put to the test during the colonization process of Yen, where they were able to triumph over the Yennese rebellion forces during the invasion process.  



From the 18th to 19th century ADE, the Saah-Pwests were recruited through a system where teenage boys were enslaved in the colonized lands, notably dark-skinned Mashriquian or Yennese locals; Light-skinned Yennese were never subject to this system. There is however evidence that they attempted to enroll into the system. Since the Saah-Pwests were only recruiting dark-skinned slaves, the light-skinned Yennese were not allowed in the Saah-Pwest army, and so in suspected cases, they would be sent to work as indentured laborers. In addition to light-skins, the Yennese population who retain a faith/belief/religion shall not be incorporated into the unit. Norlandic documents from the Imperial Levy of 1717 wrote to draw attention to some children as possibly retaining a religion. According to the modern encyclopedias, "in the early days, all religious kids were enrolled indiscriminately."   According to different military historians, the Norlandic military recruiters would scour their colonies (but especially the Jaim archipelago) every three years for the strongest slaves working for the STS. These boys (usually between the ages of 14 and 16) were then taken from the custody of the STS, and sent to Norlandic military facilities in the Kee Islands to be raised as Norlandics and learn Nardik language and customs. Once their military training began, they were subjected to severe discipline, being prohibited from growing a beard, or taking up a skill other than soldiering. As a result, the Saah-Pwests were extremely well-disciplined troops and became members of the highest class in the military. Most were of irreligious origin, this was favored by the administrators as they preferred the slaves to only be loyal to the Imperial State and the Mehr.  


Although many consider the Saah-Pwests to merely be an insignificant unit consisting of former slaves, the unit was actually considered to be an elite military division among the Imperial Norlandic Army. The process of recruitment into the SS-P was highly competitive and rigorous. As mentioned previously, before actual recruitment, a slave at their teenage years are kidnapped and forced to be recruited to the unit, and every slave must undergo a thorough screening process where they are taught to be loyal and faithful to the Norlandic Mehr. This educational process varies in time but is usually dependant on the age of the slaves themselves. After the educational process, the actual training takes place which assesses their physical, mental, and emotional capabilities. The selection criteria are designed to identify individuals who possess not only exceptional physical skills but also a deep sense of mental strength as well as loyalty. Once selected, recruits in the SS-P undergo intensive training that pushes them to their limits. The training regiment includes physical conditioning, weapons proficiency, tactical and strategic planning, and cultural awareness. The soldiers are also trained in unconventional warfare, making them versatile and adaptable to various mission scenarios.  


During the initial period of formation, Saah-pwests were experts with long melee weapons such as spears and longswords. But as time went on, they began adopting firearms as soon as such became available. In melee combat or under ceremonial purposes, they used either modern spears, longswords, or axes. Originally in peacetime they could carry only one-handed melee weapons such as knives and daggers unless they served as units who would eliminate rebellions. The Norlandic "Shambland" swords were the signature weapon of the Saah-pwests, almost a symbol of the corps. Troops who served as guards carried ceremonial weapons such as the Shambland.  

Involvement in wars

The Saah-Pwests, although not being involved in many combat scenarios, were instead used actively in security purposes. This can include riot control, terminating local rebellions, and personal security/bodyguards. During actual combat however, the Saah-Pwest troops were always led to the battle by the commander of the Saah-Pwest himself, and he always had a share of the loot. In battle, the Saah-Pwests's main mission was to protect the commander of the army in battle, using cannons and smaller firearms, and holding the centre of the army against enemy attack. The Saah-Pwests also included smaller expert teams: explosive experts, engineers and technicians, sharpshooters (with arrow and rifle) and sappers who dug tunnels under fortresses, etc.

Illustration of a group of Saah-Pwest troops

Although still conflicted by many, the unidentified person in this illustration is considered to be the very first commander of the SS-P

The Shambland sword, iconic to the Saah-Pwests

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