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States of Enihonaphi in 500 BCE

Enihonaphi (Country)

First appeared in 640 BCE these people were the original settlers of Enihonaphi, being there since the start of humanity. In 550 BCE they started creating a dynasty, with its first ruler being King Benon I who expanded more in the North by fighting the Kritians.

Kritia (Central realm's dynasty)

It first appeared in 630 BCE and after the embarassing loss of Achka's cousin Brutka which would start the "Merlis Rebellion" with many soldiers who were in the war against Enihonaphi joining Brutka. Achka tried to defeat the Rebellion but it was too huge to dismantle, so when he surrendered he was killed by his cousin and his body was thrown into the Sea.

Kerlos (Kerlosonese Dynasty)

The Kerlosonese people arrived after the rebellion in Kritia. They are were merchants originally from Mashriquia who came to the region in 570 BCE and created a trading empire that challenged the Bukatans in their north, leading to bad diplomatic relations between the two states.

Alobia (Alobian Dynasty)

The Alobian dynasty ruled over a territory in the south of the modern-day region of Enihonaphi, sharing the majority ethnic group of the neighbouring Realm of Enihonaphi. Despite their population being native to it's land, the Alobian dynasty is supposed to have originated in the region of Pwaniyajo.

Butaka (New Ellyroe)

King Bungus took over the northern trading realm of Enihonaphi (region) in 500 BCE. While previously Butaka was strictly a merchant realm in competition with the newcomers from Mashriquia (Kerlos), Bungus would replace Bukata's tradition with the ones of the Ellyroa, a population in Plechenia (the region North of Enihonaphi) that would vanish from historical records a century later. Under Bungus' rule, Butaka would build architecture in the Ellyroe style, creating pyramids and houses made of cobblestone and not wood, while the bukatan buildings were gradually destroyed or abandoned. Soon they would adopt the Ellyroe alphabet (the first alphabet introduced in Enihonaphi) which was made up by symbols and signs. At the end of his rule, king Bungus would announce that from his death onwards, Butaka would be called New Ellyroe.

Map of the region of Enihonaphi in 500 BCE:

Geopolitical, Country

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