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States of Northern Mashriquia in 300 ADE


Kingdom of Tahiria

    The Kingdom of Tahiria was a multiethnic Mashriquian trade polity created around the year 300 ADE. The kingdom was composed mainly by the Marheman people, who sought to expand the economic influence of the Tahirian nation into the regions of North and Central Mashriquia, with it's height being in 274 ADE after king Zaheran the II defeated the forces of the splintering Sertian Kingdom and took control of the Western part of the Alwalijir Gulf, creating a new trade network in the northern seas. The kingdom would decline after a 15 year civil war between the domains of Mehreban Yafazid the Merciful against Zaheran the V, dividing the kingdom into the Uthmeran-Mehreban states and the Marheman Kingdom.    

State of Sertia

  The State of Sertia was the succesor of the Kingdom of Sertia, it's capital was the city of Nestersia (current Municipality of Senetrios). The nation was a de-facto puppet and vassal to the Kingdom of Tahiria, but lasting more than the (Sertian) Kingdom itself, which ended in 216 ADE during the Fourth Sertian-Aglonian war. The territorial height of the State of Sertia was during the Altimsharab dispute, but it immediately started to crumble after the end of the previously mentioned Tahirian Civil War.    


  Liazewaf was a minor state in the times of the Tahirian domination of Northern Mashriquia. It was a client state of the Tahirian Kingdom and it maintained a small but professional army that would be used by the Tahirians in case of war as a sort of tribute from this minor realm.
Flag of the Kingdom of Tahiria:  
Geopolitical, Empire

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