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The Feriliterian "Empire" (De Ferialaiyenta Yemper)

The Ferilitarian Empire was a "Union" of different tribes which inhabited the isles of Jaim, the coasts of Southern Mashriqua and Jihon. the "Union" was created approximately around 1200 BCE and 900 BCE and throughout history it was mistaken as one of the biggest empires of the old world.

Real History

The first Remnants of the union date back to 1200-1100 BCE, Jaim was divided between the jaimese people (modern day yennese/hiani people) and the majai people (darker skinned yennese people), the two population eventually got into some conflict for a few years before they decided to end the war and co-exist together. after the fighting ceased (with an estimate of 21 casualities!) the Jaimese and Majai people decided to vow on "the sun" that they will be united and that no more conflict must go on between them anymore. Recreation of ancient jaimese cave painting representing the vow.  
  The pact however wouldn't last long as the two population split into smaller and smaller tribes, and those tribes would get inspired by the vow and would try to estabilish other "pacts" with other tribes, eventually a pact was created in 1100 BCE. Unlike today's alliances, a pact was believed to be estabilished only between two tribes. Until the Htamia tribe (an ancient hiani tribe who we have very few info about) realized that it wasn't really necessary to have only 2 tribes in a pact, there could be multiple, so they created a pact between different tribes which ended up being called Ferialaiyent (Stronger forever together) which today's name of Yen comes from. The pact quickly transformed into a specie of tribal city-state federation (making it the first example of a federal union-like government in Jaim's history) which saw the tribes collaborating to gain more resources, although Agriculture had not spread to Jaim by the 11th century BCE..  
  In 1000 BCE, the union began planning it's first conquest. Thanks to the recent discovery of iron, they were able to crush the Proto-jihonians and the ancient inhabitants of the south-eastern coast of Mashriquia, making each territory a tribe inside the Union. this is also the period where the union's reach was the largest, which led to some of the artifacts used by these ancient people being found in areas way further than the real extent of the Union, like southern Jihon or the southern coast of Mashriquia, that caused many people further down in history to believe the "Ferilitarian Empire" was much larger than before.   After 400 years of prosperity, the union collapsed due to unknown reasons, splitting into: Sel, Doraa, Hianyen, Retin and Karid.  


  The ferilitarian empire was the main material used in jaimese legends and stories after it's collapse, with the telling of Ferilitaria being a massive empire, covering a territory large enough to reach the gods. Due to those legends, feriliteria was remembered after centuries, but many inaccuracies were found that confused archeologists and historians.   Map representing what everyone in Jaim (before modern archeology) thought feriliteria was like:

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