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Duchess Cordelia Ingran

Duchess Cordelia Ingran

Stern and uncompromising, Duchess Cordelia Ingran rules her lands with a iron fist.  She has made it clear that upon the death of King Brenwell, she intends to claim the Rose Throne.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cordelia Ingran was born in her home duchy of Zelansciara. After an uneventful childhood, she was fostered with the noble house of Froude in the Duchy of Pingnieto. As a teenager, she went to the capital of Lys to serve as a handmaid to the Queen.   While in Lys, then-Lady Ingran met the royal family, including Prince Brenville. Once she came of age to be wed, the Prince courted and married her in a lavish midsummer ceremony that was the biggest social even of the season. The courtship came as a surprise to many at court, as Cordelia was not conventionally beautiful (her features were considered too mannish) and the couple had little in common in interests. Lady Ingran was uncomfortable with many of the courtly arts, such as dancing or flirtation. She mired her small talk in religious discussions and was considered rather awkward. Prince Brenville, on the other hand, was considered very handsome and naturally adept at all social conventions, an excellent dancer, singer, and wildly flirtatious.   However, for those several dizzying months that Prince Brenville wooed her, Cordelia was perhaps the happiest woman in all Rosalind. She was radiant in her wedding ceremony and the feast that followed it. They were awarded a small fief of their own and a small villa to start their married life. However, the prince often returned to Lys, frequently staying for days at a time. After the death of her father, Cordelia was sworn in as the ruling Duchess of Zelansciara and the couple moved to the ducal palace.   Their marriage yielded no children. While pleasant with each other in public, rumors abounded that the couple did not share a bed or a meal in years. Further rumors suggested that the marriage was a sham, that Brenville was in fact a lover of men. Whether true or not, Brenville died at the relatively young age of 45 years, the victim of a heart attack.   The death of her husband seemed to cause Duchess Ingran to withdraw into bitterness, seeking solace in her faith. She never remarried afterwards, instead fostering some of her nieces and nephews at her court.

Personality Characteristics


Duchess Ingran believes that after the king, her House is divinely destined to rule. She also believes that Rosalind has fallen out of Raya's favor due to a loss of faith and adherence to the Matriarchy. She aims to restore Rosalind's greatness.  Under her leadership, she aims to make true for one and all the words of her House - "Sol Semper Lucet" (the sun always shines).


Contacts & Relations

Duchess Ingran belongs to the so-called "Gold Faction", a political alliance of duchies that includes the Houses of Essenkoff, Froude, Dowsett, and occasionally Scammel.   At court, the Gold Faction tends to advocate for the more aggressive path in political affairs. Duchess Ingran has made it clear that she counts on the faction's support for her bid for the throne.

Family Ties

Duchess Ingran has a number of nieces and nephews from her siblings and extended family.  Several of her family have joined the Matriarchy and hold important positions, including one member of the Enclave.

Religious Views

Duchess Ingran is extremely religious, nearly to the point of zealotry.  She has publicly proposed canonizing Dyana Bendicta, the Mater Solinas that had called the Crusade against Aurulant.  From her speeches, the duchess has a very unyielding view of faith and does not suffer those who question the Matriarchy.

Wealth & Financial state

The House of Ingran has sizeable assets in land, industries, and cash.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duchess of Zelansciara
54 years
Dark Blue, squinty
dark brown peppered with gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Raya Invicta
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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