
Beastmen come in a variety of shapes and sizes because there are several different tribes that are classified as Beastmen. Those tribes would be the Kodak tribe a bear like people whose appearance can vary from black, brown, grizzly, or even polar bears. The Pride tribe who resemble various types of cats from lions, tigers, jaguars, cheetahs, to even the domestic looking house cat. The Lycan tribe which resemble canines like wolves, jackals and other dog like animals. The Hylek tribe which is an amphibious beastmen that resembles frogs and toad. The Bovine tribe which take the visage of a Minotaur but not as large as the monster based ones. The Orochi tribe (use Yuan-ti from Volo's guide) is a snake tribe that have lithe bodies snake heads and four arms. The lizardfolk and Tortles (Volo's Guide) vie for space against the Orochi tribe in the ever crowded swamp. The Skrit are smaller in size and they are rat like in appearance and they live in cave systems and are typically seen as pest to the dwarfs (not playable). The Avian tribe (use Aarakocra) are bird like people who live mostly on top of mountains away from society except for the Kenkaku’s (from Volo's guide) who are more city dwelling folk because they have lost their ability of flight. The Dredge are a race of mole men who are conscripted in secret by the dwarfs to dig their tunnels in the deeper more dangerous parts of the mountains (not playable). And there are 2 sea based beastmen who take the guise of crabs and fish. The fish beastmen reign supreme in the ocean and are known as the Triton (Use Volo's guide). Whereas the Urgots (crab tribe) are very primitive and are treated more like pets/guard dogs of the Triton society (not playable). The Tritons do not really have cities for permeant dwellings never appeased to their nomad lifestyle. All beastmen reach maturity at age 10 but will typically live to be 100. For those who have not conformed to the local kingdoms, beastmen live in tribes that can be anywhere from 20 to 50 members who are led by a patriarch or matriarch which are typically the spirit elder of the tribe.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

All beastmen are naturally stronger than other races, but at the cost of being societal outcasts. Keen Senses You have proficiency in the Perception skill. Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common and you can speak in Primal. Primal is the language of nature and this lets you communicate not only to your fellow beastmen but to beasts themselves (you can communicate with beast type creatures). Ability Score Increase Your Strength score increases by 1.

Articles under Beastmen


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