These people live in a distant, decadent empire. They have an old culture that has decayed from its once great mastery over the distant eastern lands. The only remaining city in the empire is its capital, Eevanmarensee. From this city they still occasionally head out into the world to find what few wonders and pleasures their culture has yet to learn.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Female Names: Alix'faziel, Reefa, Rilla, Shenni

Masculine names

Male Names: Adricandus, Geffin, Stanni, Zebbyah

Family names

Names: Names common to this land generally fall into one of two categories. They are either very short, consisting of only one or two syllables; or they are very longwinded. Family names are very important and all members of this society where their surnames like a badge of honor, a decaying, worn out, badge of honor.


Major language groups and dialects

Language: This race has its own language, a hold over from the time of empire and bears the name of their once splendid capital, Eevanmarensee. This is the language spoken by all who are raised within the city or on the lands surrounding it. Many also learn the trade language of Lankhmarese, especially those who would travel beyond the borders of the aging city. Within the library of the city, there can be found texts and guides for many of the languages, both new and old, that are spoken around the known regions of Nehwon.

Common Dress code

To make up for the lack of hair, these people often dress in very rich and extravagant clothing made from the finest silks and cloths. Eve the lowliest peasants of this culture dress in a quality of finery that would make even an Ilthmar merchant jealous.


Beauty Ideals

Physical Description: These folk have the same basic build as all other typical humans. The startling difference is in their hair. All people native to the distant city are completely hairless; they have none at all anywhere. This lack of body hair extends to all other animals born in this crumbling city. Dogs, cats, horses, none of them have any hair at all. Even a few breeds of birds have begun to appear that lack feathers.

Relationship Ideals

Relations: Eevanmarenseers typically get along fairly well with other races, though the superior attitude they often have can put others off. The race that dislikes them most is the easterners to the south. These people were once a part of the empire, and some still remember the stories from the ancient past. However, the remote location of the city makes communication and trade with others infrequent at best. This is slowly becoming an isolated culture.
Eevanmarenseer Racial Traits -2 Charisma because of their unusual appearance. +3 to Intelligence. Most other humans tend to find them unsettling to look at. Because of the wealth that can still be found within their lands. All characters from Eevanmarenseer receive 4 times the standard starting wealth for their class. Automatic Languages: Eevanmarensee. Bonus Languages: Any (although it is highly advisable to take Lankhmarese so that you will be able to communicate with others since it is the most common language in the lands. The spellcasters from Eevanmarensee can choose to be Fire Mages instead of the standard Black and White Wizards. These folk receive the bonus feat and additional skill common to the standard humans. Favored Class: Any. except Barbarian. There are no barbarians to be found among this people. So that class isn't open to them.


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