Followers of Aarth

There are many levels to the Followers of Aarth; from the lowest bagger, to the Overlord. Everyone wants to be in the favor of Aarth. Knowledge is everything. The poor begger on the street needs to know where the best place to beg in the city is. The Overlord needs to know what his enemies are up to. This information can be recieved with a tithe to the temple. The greater the tithe the greater the information. Every guild in Lankhmar pay homage to the Temple and Aarth.

Mythology & Lore

Aarth gathered the information to help the gods...he was promoted to demigod for this.

Divine Origins

Aarth was learned man, he save many lankhmarts from famine, Desease, business failing. He wrote many books on many subjects. Which are kept in the Great Library.

Cosmological Views

Aarth was a Great man, who through knowledge became a god. This knowledge is available to anyone who wishes to know. They have to study and

Tenets of Faith

the basic worshiper is required to speak to a Priest from the Ear Sect. once a week. Tithe once a week, what ever you can afford. Please note they know what you can afford.


all births are recorded at the temple for a small tithe, the new born recieves a blessing. They have clerics through out the city who will make offical record of any event. (small fee) Marriage, Death, Business Deals, place of employment, name of family etc. Anything and Everything is recorded. These records are kept in a valt below the Temple.


The High Priestess or Priest is elected by the groups known as the five senses. Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch and Taste. Each sub-group specializes in their groups name sake. The High Priestess or Priest is the Brain. The remain the High Priestess or Priest until death. To be elected the High Priest or Priestess, they have had to serve in each group.

Granted Divine Powers

+2 wisdom and Intellegence

Political Influence & Intrigue

Do to the nature of thier calling, they serve as information brokers for the Overlord and Nobility. Of course information comes at a cost.


  • Eyes: Priest from this Sect, Wear tight white robes with Gold, Black, Blue trim and silk mask covering their head with only their eys showing. hold a continuess vigle to watch over everyone. They move freely throughout the city. watching and reporting back the temple. It is taboo to talk to this Sect.
  • Ears: Priest from this sect, Wear robes of Blue and Gold trim; They also wear a silk mask covering their head with only their ears showing. hear confessions for those who seek redemsion. This service is done freely.
  • Smell: Priest from this Sect, Robes of White with Black trim; sell insense to burn, and The care for the growth of flowers through out the city, all in the name of Aarth.
  • Taste: Priest from this Sect, are regarded as valuable in the wine and ale business. Their approval of a product guarantees success. Robes of White and Gold trim. They tend to be heavy, some would say "Fat". They are known to Drink and Eat to excess. They are invited to all Social gatherings where food and drink are serviced. They eat for free, everywhere in the city.
  • Touch: Priest from this Sect, this is a soldier side of the Priesthood. They are the Temple guards, and are trained in the martial arts of unarmed combat. They wear all white and carry no weapons. The shave all body hair and are in peak physical condition. they are also the Healers for the Temple.

Eyes and Ears

monk touch
This Tarus the Champion of the Touch; He is a born leader and Deadly fighter.
Religious, Temple
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Economic System
Market economy
Related Ethnicities


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