These are not the undead monsters that so many fear. No, these are a vicious race of men that all who encounter them quickly learn to fear. Found wandering the steppe near the Sea of Monsters on the eastern continent and along the edges of the Parched Mountains to the south of Lankhmar, this is an odd race of men. It is uncertain if they were ever entirely human, but if so, none can imagine the events that have changed them into the frightening image they now show. Still they make their home wherever they choose and are a highly adaptive people. Who are also well known as cannibals.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Female Names: Hanshri, Kreeshkra, Seerkis

Masculine names

Male Names: Brach, Lorshak, Moeg

Family names

Names: Most ghoul names tend to be guttural and fairly brief. Many sound almost like a battle cry or death chant when said repeatedly. This may be a distinct possibility, for many ghouls are known to chant the names of their greatest and bravest before or during a battle.


Major language groups and dialects

Language: At one time the ghouls had their own language, but it has been lost. They now all speak Lankhmarese. Because of their nomadic nature, they slowly picked up the language used by cultures they raided. Their old language, called Old Ghoulish, can still be found on some scrolls and texts lost in ruins. These occasions are few and far between though.

Culture and cultural heritage

Adventurers: The ghouls who forsake their nomadic life, do it because they want something more, or are far too vicious for even the most gristly ghoul chieftain to tolerate. More often it is the first option though. They decide that there is more to life than just raiding and eating their victims. These ghouls search for their lost heritage (if there is one) or at least a challenge truly worthy of their skills. These people make excellent scouts and guides, and superb fighters. A company that is fortunate to count one of these ghouls among their number is lucky indeed.


Beauty Ideals

Physical Description: It's their appearance that makes a ghoul look so different from others. All of their skin, muscles, and organs are completely transparent. All you can see of a ghoul is their skeleton and hair. This is a rare natural condition that serves as an excellent form of camouflage. Since they find advantage in their near invisible state, ghouls refrain from wear clothing and armor. Such dress completely counters the advantage nature gave them. The only adornments they wear are cloaks and belts to hang their weapons and possessions. Since this is a natural effect, no form of dispelling, seeing invisible, or true sight will counter the natural bonuses gained by the ghoul’s appearance.
Ghoul Racial Traits
GHOULS cover
-4 Charisma as a result of their inhuman nature. So many other races see them as a threat; ghouls find that their appearance alone can put off a crowd. -2 Penalty to all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information skill checks. It is difficult for ghouls to socialize with other races. +2 to Move Silently, and a +4 bonus to Intimidate and Hide skill checks made by them though. This comes from their upbringing, appearance, and the benefit of natural fear they instill in others. The invisible nature of their flesh gives them a +4 circumstance bonus to their Armor Class in normal lighting and a +6 bonus in dim lighting, and in near darkness they are effectively invisible 80% of the time and receive all bonuses related to being invisible. Note, this bonus is only available when the ghoul is all but nude. Because of the natural armor bonuses they receive, ghouls wear no armor, regardless of their class or training. It is simply a taboo among their culture that none will break. Ghouls receive a +4 to all saves versus poisons and diseases because of their hardy nature and unusual diet. The very mundane and concrete way of thinking found in the ghoul culture gives them a +2 bonus versus all mind-affecting forms of magic. Low-light vision: All ghouls have exceptional vision that allows them to see twice as far as normal humans when using torchlight, starlight, or other such dim sources of illumination. Automatic Language: All ghouls speak Lankhmarese. Bonus languages: Mingol, Iltharish, Desert Talk, Eevanarensee, and the Eastern Tongue. Favored class: Fighter. Because of the martial and violent nature of their lives, ghouls make excellent fighters.


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