
This city of thieves and assassins is almost as notorious as Lankhmar, but is somewhat smaller. The soul purpose of the Illthmar, is to destroy the people of Lankhmar.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Orah Cuchi Vohno Ilga Yechi Caili Inka Joie Gratia Fritzie Aubry Danae Nynette Charee Viktorina Marga Rhiannon Vanja Angelina

Masculine names

jadan neihnem vorsted Velvur Brabam Glol enduth Stron glider-dud teutkoo jozivelm rordir jiwzu hinieng pascardar Chantez

Family names

dhudor Bloodrunner shome Woodenroot kadz varkisk Crowsky Mildjumper ninskakdifk buzrueft albokuga vranz sunera besqalbo


Culture and cultural heritage

They wear a social perfumes; this tells other Illmarts: sex reproductive status: if the perfume is from a female, Illmarts can determine whether she is receptive to mating, pregnant, or lactating. sexual maturity (juvenile vs. sexually mature adult) familiar vs. unfamiliar animals (differentiate strangers from members of one's own city) social status (dominant from subordinate individuals) individual recognition stress level

Common Etiquette rules

They are very orderly except 3 times a year, called the "Chaos" Rodents run the very clean streets of Illmar, outsider find this disgusting. It is considered bad manners to push rodents away from you plate while eating. if the rodent is hurt, this is a punishable offense.

Common Dress code

clothes that are Grey, brown, black, white, tan, plan colors made of cotton and or wool. Most government employees wear white cotton shirts under their tan or grey jackets with brown shoes or boots. Black wool jackets with dark grey pants and black leather boots is military attire, NCO's wear leather and officers wear scale armor. Assassin guild wears black or dark brown silk or lite cotton, leather armor if needed. Beggars guild wear all discarded clothing from every where in Nehwon. It makes it hard to point out a Beggar from Illmar because of this. The upper class of Illmar wear bright colors or silk and cotton. this sets them apart from the lower classes and military.

Art & Architecture

Unlike Lankhmar, Illthmar is clean and orderly. The city is in good repair. Streets are well made.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The “rat people of Illthmar” are credited with god-like powers. Their ability's proves extremely lucrative for the assassin guild and Beggar Guild– so much so that some people allege that normal babies are being deliberately deformed to look like them. The popular belief is that the beggar gangs clamp the children’s heads in infancy, which is strongly denied by government and both guilds, who say there is no evidence.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Twins are favored by the Rat God.

Coming of Age Rites

at age 6 they start university, they will spend the next four years,reading and writing. At age 10 they are tested, 10% will be sent to the Assassins guild, another 10% will be sent to the Beggars Guild. The last 80%, fill the ranks of normal classes and guilds. All children, male and female are required 2 years of military service (except the 20% that went to the Assassin and Beggar Guild.). The Military will take the strongest and best from these recruits. They will serve 25 years, at retirement they receive title and house.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Hero's of Illthmar are burned on a piar. Building and Statues are built in there honor. common folk are buried in catacombs under the city.

Common Myths and Legends

According to local legend, infertile women who pray at Rat Gods shrine will be granted children, but at a terrible price. The first child will be born "gifted" and must be given to the shrine, or else any further children will have the horrible deformities.


Beauty Ideals

The city of Illthmar is extremely clean, the people are well groomed and clean. maybe a little excessive. born with small skulls and protruding noses and ears.

Gender Ideals

Females do all child rearing, at least for the first 5 years, after this point they start a strict education regiment.

Courtship Ideals

The perfume causes chemical signals are essential for the proper performance of courtship and mating behavior. For example, if males don't have access to information from their nose, they cannot mate. Visual and auditory cues are not enough. Sexually experienced males may get by with either the nose or visual cues, but inexperienced males are severely impaired if their nose is hampered. If the perfume is removed in females, male odor no longer accelerates puberty, adult females no longer influence each others' estrus cycles, and foreign males no longer cause impregnated females. Females require olfactory cues for normal reproductive behavior as well.

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