Born on the northeastern steppe, this proud race is a menace to all who travel the roads and seas of Nehwon. Mingols tend to be nomadic wanderers who stake out large swaths of territory and then dare any to cross their lands without asking proper permission. The need to travel is so great for these folk that they have taken to the seas, raiding and traveling as they see fit. There is no known previous Mingol culture. As far as the sages can tell, these folk have always been a savage, ferocious race of men bent on war only for the pleasure of it.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Female Names: Evna, Fenn, Khekra, Telvia, Wendrie

Masculine names

Male Names: Edumir, Gavs, Gonov, Khahkt, Larlt, Ourph, Ouwenyis, Teevs

Family names

Names: Mingol names very greatly from tribe to tribe sharing no common form or design. Many names carry an esoteric meaning or symbol, but just as often, the name is chosen because of how it sounds to the speaker, provided that you have a mingol's appreciation of language and sound.


Major language groups and dialects

There are two major groups of Mingols. The Land Mingols are nomadic warriors and master bowmen. The Sea Mingols are excellent sailors but have not lost their connection with the land. Each of their ships carries a living war-stallion in a cage near the bow. Language: Mingols have their own distinct language that has evolved from the many tribal dialects spoken across the region. These languages have all melded together into a single well-understood language spoken by all mingols. None are certain if it was a natural growth from the constant fighting and interacting of the tribes, or a deliberate move made by mingol sages and wizards. It is written by a series of characters that is completely different compared to those used by the western lands making it a very difficult language to learn to read.

Shared customary codes and values

Adventurers: Mingols are born to adventure like a fish is born to water. Their lives are filled with violence, conquest, and protection. The only difference between the typical mingol and one of the adventuring variety is that the adventurer has chosen to leave behind all he has known and enter a much larger, much more dangerous world; the world of civilized men. Mingols tend to view the other races with equal distaste, knowing only too well that they above all, are the fiercest race to walk Nehwon.

Common Etiquette rules

Hospitality has always been extremely important in Mingolian culture. Since visitors often travel great distances, there are many ritual ways of showing politeness, especially to guests. One such custom that remains from feudal times is the snuff bottle ritual— a guest and host offer each other their snuff bottles to examine as part of a greeting ritual. It is customarily expected that guests will be served the finest food possible and that vodka will also be plentiful. There will be games and music; some times challenges are made to the guest. Personality: The Mingol mindset is one of extremes. They seek great challenges and pleasures; the thought of a timid life is considered a nightmare. Even a Mingol merchant or barkeep is a potential danger. This rather dangerous attitude toward life has made the Mingols many enemies and few friends. All dealings are on a tribal basis, and while one may become a great friend, there is seldom a chance of having much luck with the next petty chieftain. Still the Mingol mindset isn't a foolish one. They have a great gift for strategy and common sense; their elderly (the few who survive that long) are some of the wisest, plain-speaking folk found in all the lands

Art & Architecture

Physical Description: A small, compact race of men, mingols still have a powerful stance and way of moving about; very certain, very confidant. Their skin has a slight yellowish tint that is noticed from time to time, giving them a just-off pale complexion. Their hair is black and straight as a rule. It is very rare for a mingol to be born with brown hair, and blonde and redheads are unknown to the steppe nomads. Men can grow facial hair, but it is never as full or thick as the northerner's beards. Eye colors are more often in the range of brown and auburn; once in a while blue eyes are seen, and when a woman has green eyes, she is considered an exceptional prize. The mingols wear more exotic cuts of hide and styles of clothing that contrast with many of their western conquered treasures they adorn themselves with. Much of the mingol tradition of clothing is influenced by the Eastern Lands and the Eevanmarenseers culture. Still they have combined the many different styles to make their own distinctive look and manor of dress.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerals were traditionally an important and costly event for Mingolian families. They would customarily give priest substantial monetary gifts to pray for the well-being of the spirit of the deceased. Receiving the priests' consultation about the handling and disposition of the body was considered very important to prevent future misfortune from occurring to the family. Others in the community would typically provide gifts of animals and money to assist the family at the time of the funeral.

Common Myths and Legends

Since the Mongols were always highly mobile, most art forms that became popular were portable and involved little or no equipment, such as epic poetry, literature, music, and dance. The most famous epic poem of all time is "The Secret History of the Mingols," a long poem describing their rise to power and the creation of the Mingol Empire.


Beauty Ideals

“ She has a light in her face and fire in her eyes” -Ancient Mingol saying Red cheeks. Nomadic Mingolians who live in the countryside still have somewhat blushed red cheeks. Nowadays, more and more Mingolians are moving to the city, so this trait is disappearing. Another traditional Mingolian beauty trait is a long braided hair. Traditional Mingolian attires are important part of beauty as well. Mingolian beauty include some universal traits, such as symmetrical face, clear complexion, shapely eyebrows, straight white teeth etc. Mingolian beauty standard is quite different from the Eastern ones, for example: Mingolians don’t care about pale skin, some may prefer fair complexion, but most people here don’t care about “porcelain white skin”. Eyes can be either small or big, but bigger and wider eyes are still considered prettier, more feminine. We don’t like too fragile or skinny body, most Mongolians like healthy and fit looking body, which can be anything between slim to curvy.

Gender Ideals

For many centuries, there was a customary gender division of labor in this nomadic pastoral society. Men typically handled external affairs including military, administrative, and trade matters. Men were primarily responsible for herding animals, hunting, slaughtering animals, and maintaining animal shelters. Repairing carts, tools, and weapons were also considered men's work. Women were mainly responsible for housework, milking animals, making dairy products, cooking, washing, sewing, and nurturing children.

Courtship Ideals

Traditionally, families were the main unit of production in this herding society. The kinship system was patrilineal and sons generally established households in a common camp with their fathers. Marriages were arranged by parents and a bridal dowry (usually consisting of animals) was negotiated based upon the social status of the families.

Relationship Ideals

Relations: Mingol relations are a simple thing; they war and raid everyone. Even other mingol tribes aren't safe from their trepidations. Despite this simple and violent tendency, mingol traders are found in every major, and many minor, cities all across Nehwon. When not perfecting their gift for slaughter, mingols apparently make gifted craftsmen and merchants. Still when traveling across their lands all must be careful. There is no organized central mingol government. Some tribes might grant free passage to a caravan, then the very next tribe might strike killing all in the group and taking whatever goods are found for themselves.
Approximately twenty five million head of livestock supply the staples of the diet; meat and dairy products feature prominently in this cuisine. Mingolian cooking is generally very simple and does not use many spices, flavorings or sauces. Common dishes include steamed meat–filled dumplings ( buuz ), mutton soup with noodles ( guriltai shul ) and fried meat pasties ( huushuur ). Mingolians drink copious quantities of milk tea ( suutei tsai ), which frequently contains salt and a generous spoonful of fresh or rancid butter.
Mingol Racial Traits +2 Dexterity, -1 Strength. (sea Mingols) Sea Mingols have quicker reflexes than the average man, but their smaller build makes them a little less physically impressive when looking at raw strength. +1 Dexterity, +2 Strength. (Land Mingols) Land Mingols have quicker reflexes than the average man but less than their Sea Cousins, but land Mingols build makes them a little more physically impressive than the Sea Mingols when looking at raw strength. Proficiency with scimitar and shortbow. The violent nature of the mingol culture insures that all members are trained in their basic weapons, regardless of the particular mingol's class or training. If the class already has full training with both weapons, then the character receives the Weapon Focus for either the scimitar or rapier for free (but not both). +2 to Riding (horse) or +2 to Profession (sailor), depending on whether the character is a land or sea mingol. The skill is also considered a class skill in the event it isn't already. Automatic Languages: Mingol. Bonus Languages: Lankhmarese, Ilthmarish, Eastern Tongue, Eevanmarensee, Kvarchish. Mingols receive the standard bonus skill points common to all human characters. Favored Class: Fighter. While savage, the mingol culture is more organized and advanced than a typical barbarian lifestyle. So the way of the fighter is their chosen livelihood.


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