Priest of the Red God

Duties of the priesthood: Priests of the Red God must lead a number of men in battle equal to five times their current level. They cannot advance to the next level of experience until they have done so. As long as these warrior-priests remain courageous and warlike, the Red God grants them the ability to produce flame once per day.   the "leaping priests" who danced ritually in armor as a prelude to war. Priest is depicted wearing a leather breast plate and helmet and standing in a "martial pose," leaning on a lance he holds in his right hand. He holds a shield in his left hand. monthly mock battles were staged. Sacrifice of fine cattle. Capable of calling upon the power of the Red god in the form of blessings and spells, warpriests blend divine magic with martial skill. They are unflinching bastions of their faith, shouting gospel as they pummel foes into submission, and never shy away from a challenge to their beliefs. While clerics might be subtle and use diplomacy to accomplish their aims, warpriests aren’t above using violence whenever the situation warrants it. In many faiths, warpriests form the core of the church’s martial forces—reclaiming lost relics, rescuing captured clergy, and defending the church’s tenets from all challenges.

Mythology & Lore

not much is known for it is a religion of the far east.

Divine Origins

Eastern Lands.

Tenets of Faith the name of the Red God.


Blood Sacrifice, animals of war. Great beast. Fine cattle.


Monks, Fighters, Clerics, Red Wizard, are favorite class but there are many ways to wage war.

Granted Divine Powers

As long as these warrior-priests remain courageous and warlike, the Red God grants them the ability to produce flame once per day.


Temples keepers, Defenders of the Faith, Harvest Gatherer.

To whom men fall for

Religious, Sect


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