
Quarmall is the bizarre capital of a decadent and formerly great culture. At one time, ships from the Empire of Quarmall sailed to all corners of Nehwon. Quarmall is now a slave-holding society that has retreated within its huge, domed city. Every member of Quarmallan society lives underground in a series of vast interconnecting tunnels and chambers. Quarmall is ruled by a handful of powerful and corrupt aristocrats who have some of the most potent sorcerers and astrologers in Nehwon under their command. Quarmall was split into upper and lower levels, which warred against each other in a civil war using magic. The Civil war rages to this day, magic is the main weapon used by both sides, along with warrior slaves, called the Mamluk. The Mamluks were a class of warrior-slaves,the Mamluks often had higher social standing than free-born people. In fact, individual rulers of Mamluk background reigned in various countries,


The median age in Quarmall is 37 which is approximately 7% higher than the Nehwon average. In Quarmall, 25% of the population over 15 years of age are married, 96% speak Quarmallian and 2% speak Elf. 57% of Quarmall residents were born in Quarmall, 40% were born out of Quarmall, 1% were born outside of the Lankhmar.


The walled city is below ground, the army ocupies the old ruined city. Slaves work constantly to repair.

Industry & Trade



One major road passes near by, It is Taxed by the Quarmallians. Huge air shafts are cut into the side of the mountain, hundreds of slaves (deep gnomes) trudge along the giant belts that power the huge fans that both push and pull the air from the city below. These fans run endlessly, gnomes are born, raised and die on the treads.

Guilds and Factions

Mining Guild, Export Guild, Slavers Guild,


Elder Race War with the elves.


Most underground, highly detailed carvings.


The last city was built into a mountain side, into and later down from. They have dug out new tunnels for a 1000 years.

Natural Resources

Exported minerals include gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc. Coal lies under XXXXX square miles of land, comprising about 25 percent of the Newhon coal reserves. In addition, Quarmall has significant reserves of thermal energy.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
quarmall dome1
The Domed city has been under constant fighting for the last 100 years. First with the Elves, than with a civil war. The society is on the brink of destruction. Basic amenities are lacking in this kingdom. smugglers and slavers run their own little fiefdoms through out the surface city. Below the two main factions of the civil war control exclusively.

Articles under Quarmall


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