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Merkur Sobrius

Merkur Sobrius (a.k.a. The Sidewinder)

When the tribe of desert nomads saw a ravaged caravan on their scouting mission, they immediately came looking for any possible survivors. What they have found was a devastated wagon and underneath it a small elf born woman named Shila. So the weakened Shila was taken to the camp and she was cared for untill fully healed. Once healed she became tribe's caretaker and healed wouned soldiers. It was not long before her acceptance to the tribe that she became married to Jupiter, tribe's best pathfinder. And so Merkur was born. A descendant of elven mother and human father, torn between two worlds. Merkur was firstly looked down upon, as something odd in the eyes of the tribe. But as soon as he could hold a bow he began to train with his father. They enbarked on a various scouting missions and hunting trips and merkur was learnig all about the desert and it's inhabitants. Very soon he was proficient in hunting and surviving the harsh desert and became a well respected member of tribe's scounting party.   But unfortunately this period did not last too long. A terrible drought came through and dried all usable water in the area. The tribe was exilled on a journey to find a new promise land. The journey was rought and the underfed tribe grew ill and weakend in numbers. When they found and settled a new land there was only few of them left. Then one night a group of bandits mercilessly attacked their weak camp. The tribe knew that this is the end and made sure to kill every single bandit that dared to attack them. But once the battle was over there was no tribe to be left. Merkur as the youngest of the tribe was barely standing and was badly wounded. In the ravaged camp he found his father a village elder and heard his dying words. He was told that the tribe guarded a secret about desert's holy spring. The water from the spring water so pure that anyone who would drink it would be able to talk to the nature and life itself. And so Merkur promissed to his dying father that he would find that spring and carry on tribe's legacy.   Merkur was in a bad shape, but he knew about a nearby oasis where he could rest and heal a bit. So he set out to the oasis. Weather was dry and hot and the path was ruthless but he somehow managed to get to the oasis where he collapsed. Once he has woken up he was feeling a bit better but still a bit weak. He looked around and was greated by the group of adventures who said that they were headed to Thraat a city full of adventurers. He thought that there could be some information about the spring. And so he agreed to join them and they set out...

Merkur Sobrius, born and raised by desert nomads, is tribe's best ranger and unfortunately it's last survivor. After a merciless attack on their camp he was instructed by dying elders to find desert's holy water.

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Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
182 cm
90 kg


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