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Moradinovo Adamantinové Kladivo

Magical weapon, warhammer, artifact, requires attunement

The hammer has the following properties while you are attuned to it:

  • +3 bonus to attack and damage
  • The weapon deals an additional 1d12 thunder damage on each hit
  • The weapon is a sentient magic item with Moradin inside of it
  • Summon earth elemental myrmidon 1/day (recharge at dawn). It doesn't benefit from it's Multiattack feature and recharges its Thunderous Strike on 5-6.
  • Avatar of Moradin - As an action, you become the avatar of Moradin for 1 minute. You double in size, your strength and constitution scores become 30, you gain +5 AC, you have a burrowing speed of 30ft, your attacks deal an extra 5d12 (hammer bonus already included) thunder damage and you can cast lightning bolt at will. When the avatar form ends, you suffer 1 point of exhaustion for each turn spent in the avatar form.
  • Item type
    Weapon, Melee


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