The Naya'Elle Cookie Brigade

In the city of Harkinwall, a labyrinth of narrow alleys and broad boulevards, the air was alive with the relentless energy of its inhabitants. The scent of spices, fresh fish, and baking bread mingled in the warm, salty breeze from the coast. It was that time of year again when the elven children from the village of Naya'Sar returned to sell their legendary cookies. For the citizens of Harkinwall, this happened only every few months, and the anticipation was palpable.   Gwen’s heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She tightly clutched her coin pouch, silently counting the coins in her head, hoping there would be enough to buy a cookie for everyone, including herself. She imagined her mother’s smile, her father’s laugh, and her baby brother’s wide-eyed curiosity at the taste of the magical treat. ‘I hope I have enough,’ she thought, her steps quickening.   The scent of cookies filled the air as the elves arranged baskets full of legendary treats on a large table. A line of eager customers had already formed. Gwen joined the queue, her anticipation growing with each step. She rehearsed what she planned to say, her mind buzzing excitedly.   When her turn finally came, Gwen stepped forward and spoke shyly, "Good morning." She held out her coin pouch with trembling hands. "Can I please have four cookies? I want to share them with my family." After counting them, the elven girl took Gwen’s coins and returned the pouch with a big smile. "You’re in luck, kid. For such a kind heart, you get a special bonus. You can have six cookies!"   Gwen’s eyes widened with delight as she accepted the wrapped bundle of cookies. 'Thank you so much,' she said, her voice filled with gratitude. She left the line but did not want to return home just yet. The bustling market square was a whirl of colors and sounds, and Gwen found herself drawn to an elven woman arranging the remaining cookies with graceful ease. Gathering her courage, Gwen approached her, curiosity burning in her chest. She looked up at the woman and asked, "Excuse me, ma'am. Why do you sell cookies here?”   The woman, who was beautiful and graceful even with flour on her clothes, looked down at Gwen with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling. "Hello there, young one. Those are wonderful questions." She knelt to be at eye level with Gwen. "We sell cookies here to help those in need, both within and outside our village.”   Gwen's eyes widened with interest. Her buying cookies was helping people! "But who bakes them?"   She chuckled softly. "Our children bake the cookies. So that they can learn of the joy of giving and the value of hard work.”   "Wow," Gwen whispered, "and... are they magic?"   The smile grew wider, and she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "There is magic in them, yes. Not the kind that makes things float or disappear, but magic made from love, joy, and the spirit of our community. You can feel a little bit of our happiness and warmth when you eat one. That's the true magic."   Gwen grinned, holding her bundle of cookies a little tighter. "Thank you for telling me. I can't wait to share these with my family."   She placed a gentle hand on Gwen's shoulder. "You're very welcome, dear one. Enjoy every bite, and may the magic of our village bring happiness to you and your loved ones."   As Gwen made her way home, the city of Harkinwall seemed even more magical, with elven children spreading joy, one cookie at a time.
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by Midjourney

Articles under The Naya'Elle Cookie Brigade

Cover image: by Midjourney


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