Serene, the jewel of the peninsula Prose in Laria's Ninth World | World Anvil

Serene, the jewel of the peninsula

This is the great story of our beatiful city of Serene, the Jewel of the penisula and the last real city of the east, recollected to ensure it doesn't get lost to the pervese narratives of the west and teach to the future generations.
  Part 1: Ancient history The story of Serene, the city start as it could not be otherwise with Serene, the ship. When the old ship, crashed into the sea. The sea became curious of this incident, it allowed it richness of life to bless the penisula and gave new spirits to those who died as the crash happened. This people were the decendant of the sea, and the ascendant of all real easteners who live today, but they were lost and confused. Thankfully, the ship still provided refuge and the sea, shared it's bounty with them, so slowly they began to florish. They expanded first outside the ship and afterwards beyond the delta.     Part 2: Expansion As the sea always wanders, so did it still the wandering spirit in some of our ancestors. They left the safety of the delta, in different directions, due to their different dispositions.
  • Those who wandered the reef, found there were many island, which could be inhabited and stayed there, to feel close to the sea and honor the statues they found there. They consider them their Elders, a counterpart of the motherly nature of the Sea.
  • We don't know if this true, but they are our sea cousins and we owe them our respect
  • Other went north, they found another river and another delta. There is where they founded River's end. Even when that town is not the one, that stand today. We owe to it's memory to take it back.
  • From that place, the went west, surrounding the forest and founding many settlements along their route. All those settlement are nothing but ash and memory today, but once the royals have been push out, we can repopulate them.
  • The last group, felt the calling of the forest, they follow The Forest River to it and founded different tribes in there. Those tribes were the ones, which took their brother and sister, when we lost The unification war
  • It is truth, that during this time, each of the groups have disagrements regarding territories and sometime even belief, but they still consider themselve related. They have important comerce bounds with each other and they also used to trade, even if more infrenquetly with the other cities in the west and the north.   Part 3: The unification war The year 290 of the entrelai calendar, is the year of the emisaries. Serene captain, welcome a emisary from The capital, Spiralai. It brought with him a declaration of the king there. A declaration enouncing our city as part of his kingdom and an invitation to its leader to receive his blesing to continue to rule the city as long as they swear loyalty and obey the kingdom laws. Our captain, reflected that the city was autonomous and did not need to submit to no king in the west. Later, more emisaries brought news regarding, similar missives, going out to other towns in the east. The begining of the royals invasion. The east rose to the ocasion, a emergency conclave declared The redwood alliance, an association of all our towns to fight the royal menace of the west.   A magnificent army was recruited, with members of the towns and even from several forest tribes who joined to help us. 2 years later, we declare The redwood alliance and our right to indepence. In the war which insued, we have several early victories and we pushed the royals out of the east. For 10 years we managed to keep the east safe for their interference. But the war wear us out, and we began to falter. The turn point of the war happened after the battle of the red river, near Greenleaf.   The defeat of the The alliance there, marked the point were we started to retreat and loose ground. This was when the king of Entrelai proclamed that any eastener soldier or colaborator, would be better capture alive, to be sold in their capital as slave labor. The civilian close to the battlefront, started to be hunted for this porpuse and the alliance army, already wear out after 10 years of war, could not defend them. This is when many of the old towns disapeared. It's people hunted like animals by the royals. Those who could escape or were warned beforehand, took refuge in the forest. The final battle, took place in the entrace to the peninsula, our commander Lerel was cornered and seeing, everything was lost, he send word for every civilian to retreat to the forest and any remaining of his people, to cover their retreat. After that, he waited for their main forces, knowing they would want to capture him alive and after his capture, he used a numenera device to blow up a considerable amount of them.   Part 4: The occupation Thanks to the Sea, always looking after us and the grace of the last captain. Serene has been spared most of the consequences for being on the losing side by virtue of being the only city with a sea connection and merchants who could use it.   Many had thought to flee when royals arrived, but only stayed due to some reassurance that consequences would not be pursued here in Serene. As expected of a royals word, this was violated soon after, when Edict for the modernization of the west city deposed many of their posesion and deported all of those, who did not took refuge in our blessed ship, to River's end. This is the place where their palace and royal lands ocupy now.   After that, the guild started to appear, to dominate any and every aspect of those who live in our city. Their only purpose to stiffle our bussines and our good relationship with each other and our neightbourgh. During this dark times, our city started to run out of space for us, while more and more foraigh royals ocuppy it to have a good time with our sacred Sea. We could serve them or leave. The good people of the city turn into contraband as the same time they took refuge into the community that our Ship provided.   Part 5: The fight-back This was the situation when Blackwell started to operate.She was a member of an good serene merchant family. Her family, like many other good families have been systematically sidelined on the biggest contracts since the occupation and funnelled into subservient administrative positions, in service of the royals nobles. Instead, she chose to illegally explore and exploit the ruins around the peninsula and that's how she save us all. She contacted other brother and sisters with the same ideas, some members of the conspiracy and a few more members of the old merchant families. Together, they make contact the forest clans and show them, we are fighting the same enemy. And thus, our family was born. Those thing the royals put in place, to make our life difficult, we took for ourselfs. We are the last hope of reviving the old alliance and by other as a good chance to get back to the old time when Serene was more prosperous than today.

    This text is part of history lessons, childrens in Serene, the Stranded Ship.


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