The village of Faewood serves as the foremost intermediary between Hodramekus and the Fae kingdom of Moolsheel. The citizens have a deeper understanding of Fae culture and practices, and are quick to educate travelers of such. Moolsheel’s forest provides a supply of hides, and the magical energies of the woods will occasionally provide trees infused with Legacy, allowing for the collection of Makora wood. The Queen of Moolsheel tightly rations the supply, making sure she gets appropriate compensation via goods from Hodramekus.
Mayor-Council Government
Fae wood has no real defense, it’s a very peaceful area being the intermediary between Hodramekus and the fae kingdom of moolsheel.
Industry & Trade
Hides and wood blessed with legacy, otherwise known as Makora.
Fae wood is on the boundary between moolsheel and Hodramekus, it’s in the planes but right next to the woods.
Natural Resources
Makora trees and Wild game.
100 to 1000
Inhabitant Demonym
Fae and Human
Mayor Aldaris