2024 Resolutions
My resolutions are to write the religion in my world better and to better organize it. Also, I need to think about my future story set in the era of The Ral War and how they are going to participate and affect it. Next, I'm going to have to think in the future concerning the nations of my world and where they are heading since after the war ended lots of things sprung up which will be interesting to watch where they go. Lastly, I'm going to include and think about the geography and secondary locations in my world and the state of all of them in relation to important events in time. When it comes down to how I'm going to achieve all of this, I plan on using maps more as well as get my mental game down as well. I am still debating what map making software I'm going to use since it needs to be free, but when it comes to my last goal I will be using maps as well as thinking in the future where important events will be. Not just that but writing them into my world as if they had been there all the time will be a challenge, but I am confident that I can go back and add more details to my articles and timeliness as well as take into the concept of time and make sure it fits with the chain of events wells. All of this will make my goal complete and will make the world feel bigger. The middle to resolutions fit together abs are easily achievable. They are to think about my future story more and where my nations are headed. All of this falls into the mental category and can be solved with some thinking and viewing of all I have written to make sure everything fits together (if you couldn't tell, I really emphasize that aspect). Finally, I will write the religion in my world better. This is solved by learning about my own faith (which I write in the story) and it'd structure. I also want to write in more religions and emphasize corruption and imperfection in every one. Well that's enough of that, I got to go building. Happy writing, and hopefully one day we can all be professional authors. Goodbye 2023!From the other writers which I read and learned from I have decided to accelerate the writing of my novel. I will continue world building over one event, The Ral War, and then I will make a manuscript focused on characters living in that era.