
The black sands of the endless desert within this pocket dimension stretch on forever. In the middle, you can see the very top of a temple, the rest is sunk beneath the sand. The sand burns your feet. The light from above blazes on your skin, though there are no suns that you can see. The sky is an endless stretch of black, no stars at all in the Void. You do not know where the light you can see by comes from. You fear that it might come from the Goddess who is worshiped here.   Why have you come here? What could possibly be worth setting foot in this realm, meant only for those devout followers of the Goddess of blood? You can't remember anymore. You see the top of the temple and all you can do is tremble in fear. You are not wanted here and She knows where you are.   If you are lucky, the rest of your life will last minutes more.
Alternative Name(s)
The Endless Desert, The Black Desert, The Bloodied Desert
Dimensional, Pocket

Cover image: by Drew Rae


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