The Eightfold Divines

Eight Gods interact with the mortal beings of the realms. These Gods are of opposites. Time and Void. Blood and Peace. Depths and Shallows. Waking and Sleep.   Devnia, the God of Time. They are ever-changing, every searching. They are everything and they know all that is, all that was, and all that will be. They are birth, they are life. They are a glittering gold and fierce love.   Motia, the Goddess of Void. She is the same, never yielding, never being shaken from her foundation. She is death, she offers the souls she takes to other Gods. Those who wish to be reborn are given to Devnia, those who wish for rest she gives to Zatia. She is darkness and calm, she is inevitable. She is a steadfast love.   Silana, the Goddess of Blood. She is ever thirsty, craving more and more. She is greedy. She takes what she wants. She is violence, she is screaming rage, she is bloody and boiling wounds. She is a love that burns everything it touches.   Zatia, the God of Peace. He is protection, he is righteous anger. He is rebellion and he is caring. He is healing and he is an unflinching and unconditional love.   Thielia, the Goddess of Depths. She is unknowable, she is lurking beyond sight. She is bigger than you can imagine. She is reaching up and down with coiling arms that twist in ways unnatural. She is a deep and endless love.   Alir, the God of the Shallows. They are shifting and move in cycles. They are warm and comforting. They are thriving and growth and playful. They are a joyous love.
Religious, Pantheon

Cover image: by Drew Rae


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