Welcome, Traveller

Hello, Traveller. You have come to us, seeking light and warmth, no doubt. I am sorry that you are unable to find a place safer than with us. Perhaps there is a safer place out there in the vast Darkness, but travelling is such a danger. It is better to stay here, with us.   Your words are foreign to us, I'm sorry to say. Let me teach you some of our own.   Time is measured in the churning of the engines that keep us alive. Ticks and turns for the time that passes through the cycles, cycles that together form a rotation. There are 400 cycles in a rotation. Rotations are measured in a number that keeps increasing. It is the rotation 36314. It's been at least five rotations since we've had another new traveller.   There used to be so many. There are only eight Sapient species now. Though, you are not of any of them. There must be more out there, in the Darkness. I hope they are clinging to life the same way we do.   Did you find a Portal? Is that how you made your way here? We thought we'd explored almost all of the Network, but almost isn't all. I wonder if there are more like you who we will find. I wonder if it would be better to leave them alone. If it would be kinder.   Yes, we provide heat. We provide what light we can. But we also provide war. Endless war. Beware the Empire of Blood. Trust none who wear the colours of their dreaded Goddess of ruin. Do not allow them to feed you to her.   I'm afraid I cannot offer you much more guidance. I can give you directions, however. Where would you like to go?

Cover image: by Drew Rae


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