Arborian Village Settlement in Late Jurassic Earth | World Anvil

Arborian Village

The arborians only occupy one settlement, that I've called "Arborian Village". Creative, I know. Nevertheless this tree-village is the largest village I've studied, and is the settlement I study the most as it is located on Permari, the island where Eiki and I's studying takes place. It isn't a glamorous village by any means, and honestly I'm a little sad that the people we're studying don't care for complex architecture, but oh well.


Arborians use simple materials to construct their housing. Their typical houses, where they sleep in, are constructed with a base platform of large logs stuck into the trunks in a circular pattern. Support beams of logs and branches hold up a ring of, you guessed it, more logs, which in turn holds up the roof. The roofs are made of thick leaves banded together to create a cone shape, which allows rain to simply roll off. Most houses were fitted with rainwater collecting systems, providing drinking and bathing water.

More important houses, say for important people or for the community, were much more sophisticated. Some were lined with dinosaur and other reptile scales and feathers, harvested from corpses which were shockingly common.

Arborian House Sketch by Mochi

Small branches are stuck in the sides of trees that the arborians climb to reach their houses - this style of laddering makes it so that predatory dinosaurs and other animals cannot climb up, while they can since they are an arboreal species. Smart, they are.

I really wish these people would spend more time on their architecture, as most of their houses are awfully bland. Honestly, I could whip up something prettier in half a day. I suppose their community structures are quite fancy, although there still aren't that many of them.


The Arborian Settlement is situated on top of a small river, which I named the Arboriver. Get it? Anyways, this river is where a lot of the arborian's drinking water comes from. Despite having simple houses made out of raw materials, these people are intelligent enough to filter their river water so that it is slightly more suitable for drinking and bathing, although not by much.

These saurians inhabit the Permari Forest, on Permari. It is a rather hilly forest, and is very dense, which makes it easier for the arborians to flit from tree to tree. Their houses are built almost ten metres up above the ground floor, keeping themselves hidden from other dinosaurs, while also maintaining easy access to said ground floor.


The settlement endures perpetual rain, sunshine, or storms, and nothing else. There's rarely ever a cloud in the sky, but when there is, it is an utter downpour. Luckily, the leaves used in the roofs of their homes are so strong that even rain from storms cannot get through, leaving the houses nice and dry. Saurians are not a waterproof species, and they are terrified of water. I promise I'm not a horrible person, but it is somewhat funny when I see arborians running about, frantically trying to cover themselves from the rain while I'm chilling in my laboratory looking through my camouflaged windows.

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I spent five hours counting the number of trees used in the Arborian Village, using an invisibility cloak I bought from a small market in Maloruno. Five thousand. Wow. I don't actually know what all the trees are for, since from a ground-level view I can only see the bases of each building, but arborians are generally co-habiters so I'm not even sure why they need so many houses.


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Jan 6, 2023 15:45

Nice job on this! I like the detail in describing the houses. Is there other information on other parts of the settlment that the researcher knows?

Jan 6, 2023 16:59 by Mochi

Thank you so much! I'll be adding more information to this article as I go, and there will definitely be more detail on other parts of the village :)

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