Tyrannosaurus Superior Species in Late Jurassic Earth | World Anvil

Tyrannosaurus Superior

T-Superiors are incredibly dangerous dinosaurs - probably the most dangerous. They stand at just about 4 metres tall, making them the largest theropod species on the island and are a common predator of saurians. If you see one, run.
— Aipo
If there's any animal on this island that scares me, it's this one. I just call them Tyrannosauruses, but Tyrannosaurus Superior is the largest theropod dinosaur species to occupy this island.
This species is a example of convergent evolution, which is the independent evolution of similar features in different species. Tyrannosaurus Superior is incredibly similar to Tyrannsaurus Rex, a species that existed in the Late Cretaceous Period, while T-Superiors exist in the Late Jurassic.

Basic Information


Tyrannosaurus Superior is the largest theropod species on the island of Permari, where our studies are based. These dinosaurs are one of many feathered species, with feathers all over their body, especially along the tops of their heads, backs and tails.

As adults, these dinosaurs stand at 5 metres, or 16 feet, tall, and are about 15 metres in length. Tyrannosauruses are bipedal, meaning they walk on their hind legs. They have bright green scales along their bodies, with pale cream coloured scales along their bellies and on the inside of their arms and legs. Their feathers are a muddy brown, with orange streaks. These feathers do not aid in flight, and are instead for thermal insulation.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tyrannosauruses are amazing parents, and very territorial ones. Their babies will follow the mothers for two years after birth, during which the mother will aggressively protect her young from anything that gets close to them.

Tyrannosauruses mate for life, after reaching sexual maturity at 5 years old. Males will attempt to attract a mate by raising the feathers on his back and increasing his size. This will hopefully impress the female. I love watching male Tyrannosauruses attempt to impress a female, because they're pretty bad at it. Once they have found a mate, they will dig a small crater in the ground together, where they will construct a large nest using various debris on the forest floor. Sticks, feathers, leaves, and logs will all form a barricade around the crater nest, while the eggs are laid directly in the centre.

The female Tyrannosaurus will sit on the eggs for three weeks, sleeping for most of the days while the male goes out hunting. During nights, the male will incubate the eggs as the females roam around the forest to stretch her legs.

Ecology and Habitats

Tyrannosauruses inhabit the forests of Permari. Their green and brown plumage help them blend into the environment for optimal hunting. During nesting season, the dinosaurs will spend most of the time around their nests, and other times they will roam around the forest together.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tyrannosauruses are hypercarnivorous, and only consume meat. They are an apex predator and are the largest predatory species on the island they live on. They commonly preyed on small sauropod and prosauropod species such as Europasaurus and Plateosaurus, while occasionally hunting Saurians. They mostly hunt Saurians for fun, but don't put too much effort into it as they can easily obtain food in other species.


Tyrannosauruses are a much more loving and caring species than I first suspected. As parents, they are very protective over their children which continues even when they grow into adults. This attitude is common in very intelligent species, which led me to believe that Saurians and Tyrannosauruses are somewhat closely related.

When interacting with others of their species, they generally do not try to fight, unless it is necessary such as protecting young. If two tyrannosauruses were to meet, they would raise their neck feathers as a sign of reassurance that one does not want a conflict.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tyrannosauruses have incredible hearing and a sense of smell, yet lack a well-developed sense of sight. To hunt, they can smell prey from over a mile away. They will "quietly" treat towards their prey, using their dull plumage to blend in with the foliage. Their hearing is incredible, too. From a few metres away, they can hear people quietly breathing. It's terrifying, because I sometimes come across them when conducting research, and I climb up trees to escape but they can still hear me breathe no matter how quiet I try to be. Luckily, I sit too high up that they cannot reach, and don't want to go through the effort of catching me.
Scientific Name
Tyrannosaurus Superior
30 years
Average Height
5 metres/ 16 feet
Average Weight
5,000 - 8,000 kilograms
Average Length
15 metres/ 50 feet
Geographic Distribution

I love humans. Since they discovered the Tyrannosaurus Rex species, some believed them to be the most dangerous dinosaur on the planet. They couldn't be more wrong. So many more dinosaurs were much more dangerous than T-Rexes, as they called them, not just this other species of Tyrannosaurus. Tyrannosaurus Rexes aren't even the largest Tyrannosaurid, which is even funnier.
One of my little side-goals is to tame a Tyrannosaurus. It'd be easiest if I had one from birth, so I can imprint on it, but getting one of those will be incredibly difficult. As well, I don't really want to take an egg from its mother, so I'm at a loss. I probably won't ever get a chance to have a pet Tyrannosaurus, but it's a nice dream to have.


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Dec 11, 2022 16:26 by Theo

I too would like to pet a tyrannosaurus superior baby =)

Dec 11, 2022 16:43 by Mochi

Good luck getting close to one! xD

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