
The Aquilon title is more than a position of authority; it represents the embodiment of the nation's core values and its commitment to living in accordance with the teachings of Aslan. The history of the Aquilons is a testament to Fetilis' unique approach to leadership, diplomacy, and the pursuit of a just and harmonious society.   Origins:   The title of "Aquilon" was first established during the time of the nation's founder, Aquilon Aelar. Aelar was a visionary leader who united warring tribes, founded the nation of Fetilis, and established the Church of Aslan. Recognizing the need for wise and just leadership, Aelar proclaimed himself as the first Aquilon, a term derived from an ancient word meaning "bearer of light."   Role of the Aquilons:   The Aquilons are the spiritual and moral leaders of Fetilis, serving as intermediaries between the divine and the people. Their responsibilities are multifaceted:   Spiritual Guidance:    Aquilons are charged with interpreting the teachings of Aslan and guiding the spiritual growth of the nation. They play a central role in the dissemination of religious knowledge and values.   Peacemaking:    One of the most critical roles of the Aquilons is to act as peacemakers and mediators in both domestic and international conflicts. Fetilis is renowned for its peaceful diplomatic efforts, and the Aquilons are at the forefront of these endeavors.   Leadership:    Aquilons are also political leaders, providing governance and oversight for the nation. They promote just laws and policies that reflect the values of justice, love, and peace.   Succession and Selection:   The selection of Aquilons is a sacred and highly ritualized process. When one Aquilon passes away, a council of religious leaders, scholars, and elders convenes to identify a successor. The chosen individual is believed to be guided by divine wisdom and is recognized for their exceptional moral character and dedication to the principles of Aslan.   The Prophecy:   Legend has it that Aquilon Aelar, the founder of Fetilis, spoke of a prophecy in which a future Aquilon would lead the nation to even greater heights of spiritual enlightenment and peacemaking. This prophecy has been passed down through the ages, and the current Aquilon, Seraphius Aelar II, is believed to be the fulfillment of this ancient foretelling.   Historical Significance:   Throughout the history of Fetilis, the Aquilons have been pivotal in preserving the nation's culture, promoting justice, and fostering peace. Their wisdom, moral guidance, and dedication to the values of justice, love, and peace have solidified their place as spiritual and political leaders who inspire generations.