Chauntea's First

The founding of the Silva Vitae Nation is deeply rooted in elven mythology and lore. The nation itself is believed to have been created by Chauntea, the goddess of nature, life, and fertility. According to elven beliefs, Chauntea formed the elves from the living essence of the forest and imbued them with a profound connection to the natural world. The historical figure credited with establishing Silva Vitae is the first Arboreal Sovereign, an individual chosen by Chauntea to lead the newly created elven nation. While the identity of the first Arboreal Sovereign may not be known in precise historical terms, their existence is part of elven mythology and religious tradition.   The first Arboreal Sovereign is believed to have received divine guidance from Chauntea, which shaped the spiritual and cultural values of Silva Vitae. This leader would have been instrumental in helping the elves build their society, structure their caste system, and establish their unique way of life, focused on the preservation of the enchanted forest and their deep spiritual connection to nature.   Over time, the role of the Arboreal Sovereign has been passed down through generations, ensuring the continuity of elven leadership and the preservation of their culture. The history of the nation is marked by its unwavering commitment to Chauntea, the forest, and the values that define Silva Vitae.
Founded Settlements