Mu'tal Blox

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a pack of roaming centaurs as the runt among his brothers. At the age of five he was already larger then his brothers, but that is also when a rogue group of High Council of Lateras attacked his tribe. He was the sole survivor of the attack.   He was wandering for a few weeks when he was founded by a warrior group of leonins. Here he would find his blood brother Mu’tal Valek. The two of them grew to be the strongest among the warriors of the tribe, and this is where they created their way of fighting.   Mu’tal Valek would ride upon Mu’tal Blox as his ride. The two would fight in a way that would seem they are one being. They would soon leave the tribe to find work elsewhere and continue to fight to become stronger.

This article has no secrets.


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