The Dark Seven

The Rulers of Darkness

The Dark Seven is a council of gods within the Dark Realms that control the realm and the gods within. Each member of the Dark Seven owns a layer of the realm and has total authority over it. Every inch of the territory bends to the will of its ruller and each lesser god that presides in the realm answers to the ruler of it. Because of the power granted by the council of powerful gods, they also have a level of control over the evil domains of the material plane. For example, when Zortal, the god of blood, used his power to create an artifact known as the Red Veil, his influence bled into Lateras, and turned the rivers that ran through Porth Badd into blood for a day.  

The Dark Seven

  Voragor, the Lord of Shadows   Domain: Darkness, Secrets, Deception   Necrath, the Soul Reaper   Domain: Death, Undeath, Necromancy   Xyloxis, the Corruptor   Domain: Corruption, Temptation, Decay   Morthos, the Harbinger of Despair   Domain: Despair, Suffering, Hopelessness   Azura, the Mistress of Madness   Domain: Madness, Chaos, Insanity   Draegon, the Infernal Tyrant   Domain: Fire, Destruction, Tyranny   Voraxis, the Devourer   Domain: Hunger, Consumption, Annihilation   Zortal, The Red   Domain: Violence, Bloodshed, Blood


Within this dark commune, evil and greed form the foundation of every decision made. Every member of the Dark Seven is obsessed with the hoarding of power in some form, and they all see each other as their rivals for power. Because of this, many of the Dark Seven find themselves fighting their fellow dark gods for power. Therefore, through long thought out coups and bloody combats, the title of a Dark King changes hands often.  


A mortal in Lateras who wishes to worship the Dark Seven often does not worship one specific god, but worships the collective of Dark gods. This leads to worship that is very disimilar to worship of other gods. To worship the Dark Seven, there are very specific rituals in which many die, however, those that survive become champions of the Dark Seven. Through this champion status, they the power of the Dark Commune, and in return, they become endlessly obssessed with bringing power to the Dark Seven through poltics, combat, magic, or any other source of power that can be obtained.  


Soulshredder Blade:   Crafted by the combined dark powers of the Dark Seven, the Soulshredder Blade is a malevolent weapon that hungers for the essence of the living. When wielded by a champion, the blade absorbs the souls of those it slays, empowering the wielder with enhanced strength, agility, and dark magic. The more souls claimed, the stronger the champion becomes.   Veil of Shadows:   The Veil of Shadows is a cloak woven from the essence of the Dark Realms. When worn by a champion, it grants the ability to meld into shadows, becoming virtually invisible. This artifact allows the champion to move undetected and strike from the darkness, instilling fear in the hearts of their enemies.   Crown of Dominion:   Forged in the depths of the Dark Realms, the Crown of Dominion bestows upon its wearer the power to dominate the minds of others. Champions adorned with this crown can influence and control the thoughts and actions of those around them, making them formidable leaders and manipulators.   Amulet of Abyssal Resilience:   This amulet, crafted with the essence of abyssal energies, grants its wearer enhanced resilience to physical and magical attacks. Champions who wear the Amulet of Abyssal Resilience become nearly impervious to harm, allowing them to stand defiant in the face of adversity.   Ebonfire Heartstone:   The Ebonfire Heartstone is a dark crystal that channels the destructive power of the Dark Seven. When implanted in a champion's chest, it transforms their heart into an ebonfire, granting them control over dark flames. This fiery power can be used for both offense and defense, immolating foes and shielding the champion from harm.   Shadowstep Boots:   Crafted from the shadows themselves, these boots allow the wearer to traverse through the darkness with unparalleled speed. Champions equipped with Shadowstep Boots can teleport short distances in the blink of an eye, making them elusive and unpredictable in combat.   Dreadforged Gauntlets:   The Dreadforged Gauntlets are imbued with the essence of fear. When worn, they empower the champion with the ability to instill paralyzing fear in their opponents with a touch. This fear weakens foes, leaving them vulnerable to the champion's subsequent attacks.   Abyssal Lens:   The Abyssal Lens is an arcane artifact that enhances a champion's magical abilities. When gazing through the lens, the champion gains heightened magical perception and control, allowing them to cast more potent spells and tap into forbidden arcane knowledge.   Shroud of Eternal Night:   This dark cloak renders its wearer invisible to magical and mundane senses alike. Champions donned in the Shroud of Eternal Night can move undetected, making them exceptional spies and assassins in service to the Dark Seven.  

The Dark Seven Today

  Little is known by the nations of Lateras about the official members of the Dark Seven, and who their champions are. But their presence is known and felt by all who battle their influence. The Order of Divine Protector has sworn an oath to root out the Dark Seven in Lateras and purge their influence. They actively hunt their champions and do everything to stop the spread of the vile worship. The Dark Seven has no official church or cult in Lateras, and many wish to keep their worship of the Dark Seven a secret.
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