Tyr (TIE-ER)

Divine Domains

Law, Justice, Blacksmithing, Crafting, and Martial Prowess


These artifacts are powerful symbols of Tyr's principles and divine influence, each with its unique magical properties that aid those who uphold justice, righteousness, and courage in the world.   Valorplate: A suit of golden armor known as the Valorplate, created in honor of Tyr's unwavering courage. When worn, it grants the wearer enhanced protection, immunity to fear, and the ability to project an aura of fearlessness to inspire allies in battle.   Hammer of Righteous Fury: This legendary warhammer is imbued with the power of Tyr's divine justice. It can be used to smite evil creatures with devastating blows. When the wielder invokes the hammer's magic, it erupts in holy flames, dealing extra damage to those who have transgressed against the law.   Shield of the Divine Sentinel: This large, ornate shield is said to be a manifestation of Tyr's protective nature. When wielded, it can create an impenetrable barrier of light, providing total cover to the user and nearby allies. It also has the ability to absorb and reflect spells back at the caster.   Oathstone Medallion: The Oathstone Medallion is a sacred amulet often worn by paladins and clerics of Tyr. It allows the wearer to make binding oaths that, when fulfilled, grant them temporary divine blessings, such as increased strength, protection, or the ability to speak the truth without fail.   Sword of the Righteous Judge: This longsword is a symbol of Tyr's role as a divine arbiter. When drawn in the pursuit of justice, it becomes an enchanted blade capable of cutting through any deception or illusion. It also allows the wielder to pass judgment, delivering divine punishment to those deemed guilty.   Gauntlets of Lawful Resolve: These gauntlets grant the wearer unwavering resolve and the ability to resist any form of mental manipulation or charm. They also allow the user to administer an oath of truthfulness with a touch, compelling the recipient to speak honestly.   Lionheart Crest: This emblem, often worn as an amulet or affixed to a shield, bears the likeness of a noble lion, symbolizing Tyr's courage. When worn, it grants the user fearlessness and the ability to rally allies in times of peril, inspiring them to fight with unwavering bravery.   Scales of Divine Balance: These ornate scales are used in legal proceedings and disputes. When employed by a cleric of Tyr, they ensure a fair and just outcome. In addition, they can reveal hidden truths, detect lies, and weigh the moral balance of an individual.

Holy Books & Codes

These holy books and codes collectively form the foundation of Tyrism, guiding its adherents in matters of morality, justice, and ethical behavior. They provide a moral compass for the faithful, helping them navigate the complexities of the world while upholding the values of Tyr.   The Book of Righteousness: This foundational holy book outlines the principles of justice, courage, and honor as decreed by Tyr. It provides narratives and parables that illustrate the virtues of fairness and the consequences of injustice.   The Codex of Oaths: A central text for Tyrism, the Codex of Oaths details the solemn vows and pledges taken by clerics, paladins, and followers of Tyr. It includes instructions on how to create, uphold, and enforce oaths, emphasizing the importance of keeping one's word.   The Tome of Sacred Law: This comprehensive tome contains the laws and legal precedents established by Tyr for his followers. It serves as a guide for maintaining a just and orderly society, addressing issues related to crime, punishment, and civil governance.   The Hymns of Valor: A collection of hymns and songs that celebrate courage, valor, and the unwavering determination to do what is right. These hymns are often sung in temples and during important religious ceremonies.   The Scroll of the Fearless: This text focuses on overcoming fear and instilling fearlessness in the face of adversity. It offers guidance on finding inner strength and standing firm in the pursuit of justice.   The Book of the Lionheart: A revered text that tells the stories of legendary heroes and champions who exemplified the virtues of Tyr. These tales serve as inspirational stories for those who follow the path of righteousness.   The Tablet of Accountability: A code of conduct that outlines the ethical responsibilities of Tyr's followers, stressing the importance of honesty, accountability, and the pursuit of justice in all aspects of life.   The Oathbound Parchment: This sacred document is a written contract that formalizes oaths and pledges taken in the name of Tyr. It includes the specific terms and conditions of the oath, as well as the consequences for breaking it.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Secret iconography might include discreetly incorporating these symbols into artwork, architecture, or clothing to signify one's affiliation with Tyrism or allegiance to the principles of justice and righteousness. These symbols can serve as a unifying and empowering force for the faithful of Tyr.   Scales of Justice: The scales are a universal symbol of justice and balance. In Tyrism, they represent the deity's commitment to upholding fairness and weighing the actions of individuals to determine guilt or innocence.   The Lawgiver's Gavel: A common symbol used by judges, clerics, and paladins of Tyr, the gavel represents the authority to make legal decisions and administer justice.   The Lion: Tyr is often depicted as a powerful lion or accompanied by a lion. The lion symbolizes courage, valor, and leadership. In some cultures, the lion is considered Tyr's sacred animal.   An Upright Sword: A sword held upright signifies the readiness to defend justice and righteousness. It is a symbol of the strength and might that Tyr's followers possess when pursuing justice.   The Open Tome: An open book or tome represents the wisdom and knowledge of the law and justice. It is a symbol of the importance of education and understanding in upholding the principles of Tyr.   The Oathbound Hand: A hand with a bound oath symbolizes the sacred promises and pledges taken by followers of Tyr. It represents the commitment to keeping one's word and abiding by oaths of truth and justice.   The Balanced Scales with a Sword: This combination symbolizes the blending of justice and strength. It indicates a commitment to using force when necessary to ensure that justice prevails and remains in balance.   The Eye of Truth: An eye that sees all and reveals hidden truths. It is a symbol of the deity's ability to unveil lies and expose the facts, as well as the idea that justice is ever watchful.

Tenets of Faith

The worshipers of Tyr, the god of justice and righteousness, adhere to a set of core tenets that guide their beliefs and actions. These tenets are the foundational principles of Tyrism:   Justice Above All: The pursuit of justice is paramount in Tyrism. Followers are expected to uphold and enforce the law, ensuring that fairness and equity prevail in all matters.   Courage in the Face of Adversity: Tyrism values bravery and courage in standing up against injustice and oppression. Followers are encouraged to act fearlessly when protecting the innocent or confronting wrongdoers.   Honor and Honesty: Honesty and integrity are highly esteemed. Tyr's worshipers are expected to be truthful in their words and actions and to maintain their honor at all costs.   Unyielding Oaths: Oaths and pledges are sacred in Tyrism. Followers are bound by their promises and must fulfill their commitments without exception.   Defense of the Weak: A central tenet of Tyrism is the protection of the vulnerable and defenseless. Followers are duty-bound to shield those who cannot protect themselves from harm.   Champion of the Law: Tyr's worshipers are called to be champions of the law and legal order. They serve as judges, lawyers, and advocates, working to ensure that the legal system operates fairly and justly.   Judgment Without Bias: Followers of Tyr are expected to pass judgment without prejudice, treating all individuals equally before the law, regardless of their social status or background.   Respect for Authority: While advocating for justice, Tyrism also emphasizes respect for legitimate authority and the lawfully appointed rulers.   Righteous Retribution: When wrongdoing is confirmed, followers of Tyr are permitted to take appropriate and lawful action to ensure that justice is served. Retribution should be proportionate to the offense.   Loyalty to the Cause: Those who dedicate themselves to Tyrism are expected to remain steadfast in their commitment to the cause of justice, upholding these tenets throughout their lives.   Tyr's teachings encourage his followers to be just, honorable, and courageous in all their endeavors. By adhering to these tenets, they seek to bring about a world where fairness and righteousness prevail, and where the innocent are protected from harm.


Tyr, the god of justice, has several major holidays and observances dedicated to him in Tyrism. These holidays provide opportunities for followers to express their devotion, seek divine guidance, and celebrate the principles of justice and righteousness. Some of the major holidays in Tyrism include:   Tyr's Justice Day: This holiday, observed annually, celebrates Tyr's role as the god of justice. It is a day for legal ceremonies, trials, and the reaffirmation of oaths and pledges. Followers and clerics often gather in temples to seek guidance in legal matters and to reflect on the importance of justice.   Oathsworn Festival: The Oathsworn Festival is a special occasion where individuals take new oaths or renew existing ones. It is a time for Tyr's worshipers to rededicate themselves to the principles of truth and honor. Oaths and pledges made during this festival are considered especially binding.   Judicial Triumph: This holiday commemorates significant legal victories or moments in history when justice prevailed. It is a time for reflection on the importance of law and the positive impact of righteous actions.   Day of the Righteous Defender: A day dedicated to those who defend the weak and the oppressed, the Day of the Righteous Defender is an occasion for honoring heroes and champions who have upheld the values of Tyr through their courageous deeds.   Truthseeker's Vigil: This observance involves a night of reflection and meditation on seeking and upholding the truth. It is a time for followers to contemplate the importance of honesty and integrity in their lives.   Honor's Commemoration: This holiday is a day of paying respects to those who have displayed great honor and integrity. Followers often visit grave sites, memorials, or participate in acts of kindness to honor individuals who have exemplified the ideals of Tyr.   Tyr's Day: A weekly observance, Tyr's Day is dedicated to the deity and involves attending temple services, offering prayers, and seeking guidance from clerics on matters related to justice and righteousness.   These holidays are not only occasions for religious observance but also for reflecting on the principles of justice, honesty, and courage that Tyr represents. They serve to reinforce the moral and ethical values upheld by followers of Tyrism and provide opportunities for community gatherings and acts of goodwill.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Tyr's teachings encourage his followers to be just, honorable, and courageous in all their endeavors. By adhering to these tenets, they seek to bring about a world where fairness and righteousness prevail, and where the innocent are protected from harm.   Justice Above All: The pursuit of justice is paramount in Tyrism. Followers are expected to uphold and enforce the law, ensuring that fairness and equity prevail in all matters.   Courage in the Face of Adversity: Tyrism values bravery and courage in standing up against injustice and oppression. Followers are encouraged to act fearlessly when protecting the innocent or confronting wrongdoers.   Honor and Honesty: Honesty and integrity are highly esteemed. Tyr's worshipers are expected to be truthful in their words and actions and to maintain their honor at all costs.   Unyielding Oaths: Oaths and pledges are sacred in Tyrism. Followers are bound by their promises and must fulfill their commitments without exception.   Defense of the Weak: A central tenet of Tyrism is the protection of the vulnerable and defenseless. Followers are duty-bound to shield those who cannot protect themselves from harm.   Champion of the Law: Tyr's worshipers are called to be champions of the law and legal order. They serve as judges, lawyers, and advocates, working to ensure that the legal system operates fairly and justly.   Judgment Without Bias: Followers of Tyr are expected to pass judgment without prejudice, treating all individuals equally before the law, regardless of their social status or background.   Respect for Authority: While advocating for justice, Tyrism also emphasizes respect for legitimate authority and the lawfully appointed rulers.   Righteous Retribution: When wrongdoing is confirmed, followers of Tyr are permitted to take appropriate and lawful action to ensure that justice is served. Retribution should be proportionate to the offense.   Loyalty to the Cause: Those who dedicate themselves to Tyrism are expected to remain steadfast in their commitment to the cause of justice, upholding these tenets throughout their lives.
Divine Classification