Xyloxis, the Corruptor

Divine Domains

Corruption, Temptation, Decay


The Chains of Freedom   The Expanse of Authority   The Bleeding Heart

Holy Books & Codes

Dark Mother's Imposition

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Flow of Power: A sigil made up of zigging and zagging arrows moving around randomly. This sigil represents the will of the strong on the weak.    The Chains of Will: Two chains, clamped onto one another in the form of a circle. This sigil represents the flow of control, and how those with authority will ultimately fall to another stronger will.

Tenets of Faith

Xyloxis, The Corrupter is a god of pestilence, deterioration, and control. She is a god who respects gathering control and iron authority over others. The first Tenet of the faith is influence. Any form of gaining influence will do but influence over people or realms associated with a Bright God particularly holds Xyloxis' attention. Furthermore, exercising control over others grants the favor of Xyloxis to her followers. She revels in the pain of those forced to comply with the wills of others, and this suffering elevates her power. She orders her followers to force their will on others and make others bend their knee in the name of Xyloxis, whether they know or not.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Xyloxis wants to enslave the world, and bring about a new world order with her as the Empress.
Divine Classification


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