
Divine Domains

Zortal is the god of bloodshed, violence, and death.


Crimson Eviscerator: A wickedly sharp obsidian blade forged in the fires of The Dark Realms. This sword is known for causing deep and bleeding wounds that are slow to heal. It is said that the blade hungers for violence and feeds off the blood spilled in its name.   Sanguine Shroud: A dark, blood-red cloak that grants its wearer enhanced stealth and agility in dimly lit environments. Additionally, when activated, it allows the wearer to briefly phase into the shadows, becoming nearly invisible for a short duration.   Skull of Desolation: A skull-shaped amulet that holds a fraction of Zortal's dark power. When worn, it grants the ability to invoke a sense of dread and despair in those nearby, weakening their resolve and making them more susceptible to fear and intimidation.   Blade of the Bloodbound: A sacrificial dagger adorned with crimson runes. It gains power by absorbing the blood of its victims. With each life taken, the blade becomes sharper and more deadly, making it a fearsome weapon in the hands of a skilled assassin.   Veil of Mortality: A hooded cloak that conceals the wearer's identity and muffles their footsteps. It allows the wearer to move silently and blend into the shadows. Additionally, it provides protection against death-related magic and curses.   Bloodreaper's Gauntlets: Darkened gauntlets that enhance the strength and lethality of the wearer's unarmed strikes. Each successful hit absorbs a portion of the victim's life force, healing the wearer and leaving their foes weakened.   Crimson Heart Amulet: An amulet shaped like a bleeding heart that grants the ability to channel Zortal's dark energy into devastating spells. The wearer can unleash bursts of necrotic energy or cast curses upon their enemies.   Soulbound Chains: A set of enchanted chains that, when thrown, seek out the nearest living target. Once latched onto a victim, the chains drain their life force, transferring it back to the wielder. The longer the chains are connected, the stronger the drain becomes.   Red Communion Robes: Dark crimson robes worn by high-ranking members of the Red Commune. These robes provide protection against physical and magical attacks and are imbued with the power to amplify the effects of blood rituals.   Zortal's Gaze: A dark crystal orb that allows the user to see into the shadows and perceive the life force of living beings. It grants the ability to detect hidden enemies and foresee imminent danger, making it a valuable tool for assassins and spies.

Holy Books & Codes

The Holy Book of Zortal is the Crimson Codex. The Crimson Codex are a set of codes and tenents that Zortal finds appealing as well as a guide to the various rituals of Zortal. Zortal is a very active Dark God, and often directly grants power to his followers power through artifacts and sacrifice. Some excerpts from the Crimson Codex include:   Embrace the Shadows: "In the shadows, Zortal's power is greatest. Walk the path unseen, strike from the darkness, and revel in the fear you sow."   Sacrifice in His Name: "Blood is the currency of power. Offer the lifeblood of the living to Zortal, for in death, they find true communion with the Dark God."   The Symphony of Suffering: "Let the cries of the tormented be the music that serenades your actions. Pain is the hymn, and anguish is the chorus that elevates Zortal's glory."   Dance with the Dagger: "The blade is a sacred instrument of Zortal's will. Wield it with precision, let blood be the ink that writes your devotion."   Eternal Night's Embrace: "Yearn for the eternal night, where Zortal's kingdom reigns. In death, find the solace of unending darkness and the ecstasy of perpetual violence."   The Bloodied Covenant: "Pledge your undying loyalty. In the Red Communion, we are bound by blood, and our covenant with Zortal is eternally stained."

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbols and sigils associated with Zortal, the god of violence, bloodshed, and death, are dark and ominous, reflecting the malevolent nature of the deity. The Red Commune, the cult devoted to Zortal, uses these symbols to mark their allegiance and to invoke the power of their dark patron. Here are some signs and sigils related to Zortal:   Bloodied Dagger:   Symbolism: A dagger dripping with blood represents the act of violence and the shedding of blood in Zortal's name. Usage: The Red Commune often paints or carves this symbol during sacrificial rituals.   Crimson Eye:   Symbolism: An eye, often depicted in a deep shade of red, symbolizes Zortal's watchful presence in the shadows. Usage: Cultists may use this sigil to mark places where they believe Zortal's influence is particularly strong.   Skull with Winding Serpent:   Symbolism: The skull represents death, while the serpent winding around it signifies the entwined nature of violence and decay. Usage: This sigil is employed in rituals that involve invoking the destructive forces of Zortal.   Dark Crescent Moon:   Symbolism: The crescent moon, tinged with darkness, symbolizes the eternal night that Zortal's followers seek to embrace. Usage: Often seen on personal belongings of cult members or used in ceremonies dedicated to Zortal.   Bloody Handprint:   Symbolism: A handprint stained with blood signifies the touch of Zortal's followers and their commitment to violence. Usage: Cultists may mark their targets or sanctify objects with this symbol during rituals.   Three Dripping Daggers:   Symbolism: Three daggers arranged in a triangular pattern represent the trinity of violence, death, and sacrifice. Usage: This sigil is often carved into altars or used to mark significant events in the cult's activities.   These symbols are often used discreetly by the Red Commune to identify each other, mark locations, or invoke the power of Zortal during their dark rituals. The cultists believe that these symbols serve as a conduit for Zortal's influence in the mortal realm.

Tenets of Faith

The worship of Zortal is centered around dark and violent practices, reflecting the god's domains of violence, bloodshed, and death. The tenants of worshipping Zortal, as followed by the Red Commune, are dark and often involve rituals that celebrate destruction and chaos.   Embrace Violence: Belief: Followers of Zortal are encouraged to embrace violence as a means of honoring the god. Acts of aggression, combat, and bloodshed are seen as sacred expressions of devotion.   Sacrifice for Power: Belief: The Red Commune believes in the power of sacrifice. They offer blood and lives to Zortal, believing that such sacrifices strengthen the connection between the deity and the mortal realm.   Embrace Death as a Gateway: Belief: Death is viewed as a gateway to a higher existence in Zortal's realm. Cultists believe that through embracing death and causing it in others, they draw closer to the dark deity.   Dark Rituals and Ceremonies: Practice: The worship of Zortal involves dark and elaborate rituals. These ceremonies often include blood offerings, chanting, and acts of violence to invoke the presence of the god.   Seek Chaos and Disorder: Belief: Zortal's followers believe that chaos and disorder are natural states that lead to transformation and rebirth. They actively work to sow discord and disrupt order in the mortal realm.   Mark of Devotion: Practice: Cultists often bear visible marks or symbols associated with Zortal as a sign of their devotion. These marks may be tattoos, scarifications, or other forms of body modification.   Dark Revelries: Practice: The Red Commune engages in dark revelries and gatherings where they celebrate violence and revel in the chaos they create. These events serve both as worship and community-building activities.   Invoke the Powers of Zortal: Belief: Cultists seek to invoke the dark powers of Zortal through their rituals. They believe that by doing so, they gain strength, protection, and favor from the god.   It's important to note that the worship of Zortal is considered taboo and abhorrent by many societies. The practices of the Red Commune often lead to conflict with authorities and other religious institutions. The tenants of Zortal worship reflect a nihilistic and destructive worldview that sets its followers apart from more conventional forms of faith.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

As a God, Zortal's goal is to spread his faith all throughout Lateras. He was born from the spilt blood of the inhabitants of Lateras who died during the Great Incursion. Zortal now seeks to spread his faith through granting power to his worshippers.   Zortal seeks to bleed the world of their blood, which Zortal then absorbs for power. He wishes to become the most powerful Dark God and to become a Greater God.
Divine Classification


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