
Thanatos is not like much of the other gods in the world of Latrel because Thanatos is thought of as not a god at all but the personification of Death itself. Thanatos since coming to the world with the rest of the gods has lost some of his purpose as he no longer needs to carry the dead into the underworld when their time allowed by the fates was up, but due to the the nature of Thanatos he does always seem to find himself at all the site's of death here in Latrel for it is actually his house along with The house of the Norse Goddess Hel that deals with the dead that is found in Latrel. Due to this most people stay away from Thanatos and his house as they never know when death might come for them. Since The Ceremony of Ascension started Thanatos has always picked this house members weirdly as every one he has selected was not selected by another god during there ceremony, some say it is because the gods can tell the true nature of the ones they select during the process and that those chosen by Thanatos are people who have come to experience death and understand it the most out of all in this world, that is even more so for the people who are always seen at Thanatos's side known as the Crimson Reapers. Thanatos is not someone who deals with the politics of Latrel much so he is not seen too much but when he is seen most know that something bad has happened or is about to happen so most of his time is spent within his house as he does not find much enjoyment spending time with the things he once reaped.


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