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Pure Demihumans

The origins of demihumans are a hotly contested subject among Imperial scholars. While these people hold full citizenship status within the Aldrestian Empire, and have since its inception, the exact nature of their being is in no historical records - all known records alluding to them as already being present. It is posited by some academics that devils are an 'intrusive' force, demihumans the 'native' force, and humans somewhere in between, but no evidence exists as to these claims.   Stranger still is the mystery of the two variants of demihuman: the Deviltouched (those of 'fight') and the Pure (those of 'flight'). The former are known for entering a blood-driven frenzy in the heat of battle, scarcely telling friend from foe; by contrast, the latter are known for backing down entirely from conflict, and their meek (yet cunning) disposition. Some fringe thinkers have put forth the hypothesis that 'prey' demihumans are predisposed to 'flight' while the 'predator' variants are more commonly 'fight', but there is no evidence whatsoever that the distribution is anything other than random - or perhaps passed down by blood.   Pure demihumans are those among their number who do not bear the taint of Hell. What they gain in sanity and temperance, they lose in ferocity and capacity for bloodlust, and they are ill-equipped for harsh, direct combat. None would make the mistake of calling them weak, however - while predisposed to a more timid disposition, these beings are as strong as any human, and possess greater still grace and insight. It is said that in ancient times humanity first learned to read and write from these demihumans.   It is perhaps because of legends such as this that the wisdom of the Pure is respected even to this day. Discrimination against their kind is unheard of in the Empire - of which they were always members - yet even so demihumans are few enough in number that they tend to form enclaves along clan lines rather than assimilate fully into the human populace. Such enclaves are generally prosperous and respectable quarters of their cities, decaying into slums only when abandoned by their inhabitants.     Attributes
Strength: 10
Agility: 11
Intellect: 11
Will: 9   Characteristics
Perception: Equals Intellect+1.
Defense: Equals Agility.
Health: Equals Strength.
Healing Rate: Equals a quarter of Health, rounded down.
Size: ½ or 1 (selected at character creation)
Speed: 12
Power: 0
Damage: 0
Insanity: 0
Corruption: 0
Languages and Professions: You speak Aldrasti, the language of the Empire, and Sahaja, the language of the demihumans.   Talents
Quick Step: When you use an action, you can move 1 yard before or after the action, provided your Speed is greater than 0.
Shadowsight: You see into areas obscured by shadows as if those areas were lit.
Skittish: You make Will challenge rolls with 1 bane.   Expert Pure Demihuman
Upon reaching level 4 as a Pure Demihuman, you either learn one spell, or gain Ancestors' Benediction. You also gain 5 Health.
Ancestors' Benediction: When you would become Frightened, you may instead heal damage equal to your healing rate.
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