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Not to be confused with Dragons   Takes the place of dragons as big evil creatures that horde treasure   Commonly found in the southern elvenholm.   They have 6 eyes. They get one element from father and one from mother, which often leads to dual elements.   They are worm like.   They are born from eggs, as small worms. They go into a cocoon before becoming full adults.        

Single Types


Air Wyrm

Its long body is covered in metallic white feathers and have feathered wings. Its head has a beak and six blue eyes, 3 in a line on each side. Its long snake like body has a big chest before the head, like a griphon, but no limbs attached to it. It also has 6 big wings.   Flying speed   Breath Weapon: shock pulse: puch people, make airborn fall, deafening  

Earth Wyrm

It has a flat face with 6 lime green eyes. It has 4 large tusks around its mouth. Brown and seems to be covered in rocks.   burrow speed   limited casting of rock wall to trap creatures  

Fire Wyrm

Red scaly body with a 3 parted mouth, with 2 eyes on each mouth part. A lot of pointy teeth from each part and a long tounge sticking out. Blue eyes.   Breath Weapon: boiling acid  

Water Wyrm

A fatter blue wyrm with orange horns.   Swallows creatures  

Dual Types


Dropper Wyrm

Known for levitating rocks with it up in the air and dropping on enemies.  

Skyterror Wyrm


Storm Wyrm

Known to sometimes be the heart of a storm. It sinks boats and feasts on the remains.  

Magma Wyrm

  eats metals   acidic magma that destroys metal  

Deep Wyrm

often lives near the sea floor, burrowing down beanath to make lairs.  

Burnsail Wyrm

Lives in the sea. Attacks boats and sets them on fire. It then wait for the boat to burn properly before going in for the kill.  



Love for Treasure

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg   Larvae   Cocoon   Wyrm

Ecology and Habitats

They live in magical enviroments where they can find Elementals or Rift Abominations to eat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The main source of food for wyrms are Elementals but do also hunt animals. Different wyrms have different prefered foods and sometimes food that just they eat. For example the magma worm eats metals. They have also been found to wat Rift Abominations.   While they could eat smaller Dragons they avoid them as where one dragon lives, many other also often live, and they are quite equal in strength. Hunting dragons is normally just to dangerous for a wyrm and not worth it.   As larvae they often live by hunting smaller animals as the number of elementls weak enough to hunt generally isn't enough.

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