Mymix Species in Lawke's Academy | World Anvil
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[Vignette about a small animal approaching delicious looking apple in forest, getting eaten by apple.]  
Mymix are a predatory species that use extreme acts of camouflage to ensnare their pray. Because they maintaining a disguise except when feeding, it is difficult to gauge their true prevalence. They can be found throughout Anscyor, but are not considered invasive.

Basic Information


Because Mymix retain their form at the time of their death, little is known about Mymix physiology outside of their camouflaged, predatory forms. It is known that they can shift their density and surface area at will, rapidly developing teeth, tendrils, and tongues from seemingly solid surfaces. A small chest can extend to swallow a child whole. Scholars believe this fluidity belies a native state is amorphous and gelatinous, sharing a common ancestry with Oozes and Jellies.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mymix are solitary hunters. It is rare to find more than one in a given hunting ground. As such, they are not known to be social creatures, and no evidence has been found of a Mymix nursery or clutch. Any guesses as to their reproductive habits remain pure speculation. Arcane Zoologists have two leading theories:
  1. Mitosis Theory: Mymix are asexual beings, consuming prey until they reach an unsustainable critical mass in which case they split into two identical halves.
  2. Mymix Queen Theory: Mymix within a regions (possibly the world) are all part of the same colony and have a single "Queen" solely responsible for reproduction.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mymix are carnivorous, having been witnessed feeding off rodents, fish, beasts, and humanoid creatures. The size of the prey is generally determined by the size of the Mymix. While they have been known to assume the guise of plants, there is no evidence of that they consume them.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is believed that Mymix have a limited form of telepathy, allowing them to take on the form of latent desires in prey populations.


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